|System partitioning is a method for organizing the SP system into |non-overlapping groups of nodes for various purposes such as a partition for |testing new software and others for creating multiple production |environments. System partitioning is supported in switchless SP |systems, in SP systems with the SP Switch, and in clustered enterprise server |systems with the SP Switch. It is not supported in systems with the SP |Switch2 or in switchless clustered enterprise server systems.
In this chapter we present information on:
For information on accounting and system partitioning, see Accounting and system partitioning.
Before proceeding with this chapter, after having studied all the planning considerations that apply to partitioning, you should have installed the PSSP software. In doing so, you have automatically created a single default system partition that consists of all the nodes in your SP system. The single default system partition is all you can have if you use the SP Switch2. With the SP Switch you can have multiple partitions. If you now want to select an alternate system partition configuration, the information in this chapter will guide you in selecting, customizing, and applying a system partition configuration.