Examining the Physical Properties of the Welds

This task shows you two ways of accessing information about the physical properties of the welds.

Using the Weld Report command

  1. Applying a material onto a weld affects its physical properties. Just to check that, Select the Analyze -> Weld Report command.


The report that appears is composed of two sections showing the following information:

  • List of Welds

    • numbered welds

    • name of the welds

    • type of the welds

    • volume of the welds

    • weight of the welds

    • joint body of the welds

    • joint of the welds

    • specification

  • Total of Welds

    • total number of welds in the CATProduct document

    • total volume 

    • total weight

    • total number of joint bodies

    • total number of bodies


For more information about this command, please refer to Generating a Weld Report.


Using the Measure Inertia capability

  1. Click the Measure Inertia icon and select the desired weld in the specification tree, for example Weld1

The window that appears shows that different physical properties such as volume, mass, density, and so on of the weld have been calculated.

For more information about this command, please refer to Measure Inertia.