How does Space Engineering Assistant work?

How does it work ?

Data coming from the ENOVIA LCA data base (please refer to "Set Up the ENOVIA Data base" in the Enterprise Architecture Installation Guide), an ENOVIA LCA Client session is running, the Product Editor is opened

The user sends data into CATIA V5 session (using the Send to... command);  the connection between CATIA and ENOVIA has been previously established.

Zooming on CATIA/DMU Session section:

The user connects to the host server, he either chooses between:

  • Automatic connection:

Please read Tools > Options > Digital Mockup > DMU Space Engineering

  • Manual connection:

In this case, all he needs to is click the Connection icon in the Space Engineering Assistant toolbar.

The user works in session, in our example, let's say he selects the part floor and moves it.

The user needs to launch SPE computation, clicking Force computation of clashes with committed models in the Spy toolbar. A request is then sent to the Apache HTTP server.

The information (part identifier) is passed to the Spatial index (permanent running process).

The Spatial index runs a proximity query and performs other checking operations: the resulting data is sent  to the Design Assistant server (nphSpaceEngCgi.bat) which performs the clash calculation with respect to the Knowledge clash Rules specified. Please refer to More About Knowledge Clash Rules.

Clash results are sent to CATIA V5

Clash results are displayed in the Check clash dialog box (accessed via the Browse clash result with committed models icon). 

The user can then modify the status of one detailed clash result, add comments in the DMU Clash dialog box. These (modified) clash results will be stored automatically in ENOVIA V5 while saving his session in ENOVIA LCA.

In the ENOVIA LCA session, the user clicks the Refresh icon and searches for the clash result.

  •  Saving operation is launched in the ENOVIA Data Base

  •  Clash results computed with Space Engineering Assistant based on Knowledge Clash Rules and created in CATIA are displayed and refreshed in the ENOVIA LCA session.

The ENOVIA Data Base passes the information to the Spatial index which is automatically updated accordingly taking into account the modified objects.