Create and Use Prismatic Machining Areas

task target This task shows how to create a prismatic machining area and then use this feature in Pocketing and Profile Contouring operations.
pre-requisites Open the Rework01.CATPart document, then select Machining > Prismatic Machining from the Start menu.

The Video simulation capability is used in this task. Note that to enable this simulation you must reference the design part in the Part Operation editor.

The Analyze functionality is used in this task. Note that it is available only when the NC Manufacturing Verification product is installed. It is described in more detail in the NC Manufacturing Verification User's Guide.

scenario 1. Select Prismatic Machining Area .
2. Click the red Bottom in the sensitive icon then select the pocket bottom in the 3D window.

The pocket boundary (Guide.1) is automatically deduced from the pocket bottom.

Click OK to create the feature called Prismatic machining area.1. This feature references the selected pocket geometry.
3. Make the Manufacturing Program current in the specification tree, then select Pocketing
4. In the Pocketing dialog box, select the Prismatic machining area.1 feature in the Feature list.

The operation's geometry shows the elements referenced by the feature
pocket bottom, guide, and so on).
Any modification to this geometry in the operation will also modify the geometry of the feature.
However, if the feature is used by another operation, it is not possible to modify its geometry in the machining operation editor.

5. Select the Tool tab to specify a tool with a 16mm nominal diameter. 

You can refer to Edit the Tool of an Operation for more information.

6. Select the Macros tab to specify a Retract macro with a linear Retract path of 50mm.

You can refer to Define Macros of an Operation for more information. 

7. Verify the Pocketing operation by simulating the tool path in Video simulation mode

Select Analyze to analyze the result of the simulation. 

You can see that the pocketing operation leaves some unmachined material in the corners.

Close the Analysis and Replay dialog boxes.

Click OK to create the Pocketing operation.

8. Select Profile Contouring I_MfgProfileContouring.gif (963 bytes).
9. In the Profile Contouring dialog box, select the Prismatic machining area.1 feature in the Feature list.

The operation's geometry is initialized with the pocket bottom and guide elements referenced by the feature.

10. Select the Tool tab to specify a tool with a 5mm nominal diameter. 

You can refer to Edit the Tool of an Operation for more information.

11. Select the Macros tab to specify an Approach macro with a linear Approach path of 50mm.

You can refer to Define Macros of an Operation for more information. 

12. Verify the Profile Contouring operation by simulating the tool path in Video simulation mode .

Select Analyze to analyze the result of the simulation.

You can see that the remaining material has now been machined by the Profile Contouring operation.

Close the Analysis and Replay dialog boxes.

Click OK to create the Profile Contouring operation.

13. Select Manufacturing View to display the Manufacturing View.

Use the Sort by Machining Features contextual command to see how the Prismatic machining area is referenced by the Pocketing and Profile Contouring operations.

task target In addition to Pocketing and Profile Contouring operations, Prismatic machining areas can also be used  on Prismatic Rework Areas.

end of task