About Meta Inputs

Getting Familiar With Meta Inputs

The meta input mechanism is a way to ease Knowledge templates instantiation (User Features and Document templates.) It is designed to assemble inputs together. It relies on a component-based approach. Meta inputs specifications are stored in Knowledge Templates.

Meta inputs:

The characteristics of a meta input are:

Defining a Knowledge Template Containing a Meta Input


The step-by-step procedure provided below shows how to create a User Feature containing a meta input. The procedure is identical for Document Templates.
  1. Click the Create a User Feature icon () to display the User Feature Definition window, or from the Insert menu, select Knowledge Templates>User Feature.

  2. In the Name field, type the name of the User Feature, then select the inputs in the specification tree or in the geometry.

  3. Click the Meta Inputs tab. Click Add to create a meta input. Change its name in the Role field.

  4. In the Meta Inputs field, select the input that you want to associate to the meta input and click the button.

  5. Repeat the above operation to associate the necessary inputs to the meta input.

  6. Click OK when done.

Instantiating a Knowledge Template Containing a Meta Input

The step-by-step procedure provided below shows how to instantiate a User Feature containing a meta input. The procedure is identical for Document Templates.
  1. Click the Instantiate From Document icon () and select the file containing the template in the File Selection window, or if not in the Product Knowledge Template workbench, from the Insert menu, select Instantiate from Document. The Insert Object dialog box displays.

  2. Select the inputs in the geometry and click OK when done.

  • You cannot define the orientation of a new input (for surfaces and curves) in the Meta Inputs instantiation mode. You must switch to Normal instantiation mode if you want to change the orientation of one of the inputs.
  • At instantiation, depending on an option selected in the instantiation window, meta inputs are presented instead of real inputs, except if the user selected the Force meta inputs instantiation mode (an exclusive meta-inputs instantiation mode) in the definition window. Inputs that remain not associated to a meta input are kept as standard inputs even in meta inputs instantiation mode.


 If you do not select the  Force meta inputs instantiation option when creating the meta input, 2 different modes are available at instantiation:
  • MetaInputsInstantiation: The meta inputs are displayed in the Inputs list.
  • MetaInputsNormalInstantiation: Even though meta inputs are defined, you can switch to the normal instantiation mode and select the real inputs.
If you select the Force meta inputs instantiation option when creating the meta input, the MetaInputsInstantiation instantiation mode is available.
Inputs that remain not associated to a meta input are kept as standard inputs even in meta inputs instantiation mode

Assigning a Type to the Meta Input

You can associate a type to a meta input to make sure that you select an item matching this type at instantiation.

  1. Click the Create a User Feature icon () to display the User Feature Definition window or, from the Insert menu, select Knowledge Templates>User Feature.

  2. In the Name field, type the name of the User Feature, then click the inputs in the specification tree or in the geometry.

  3. Click the Meta Inputs tab. Click Add to create a meta input. Change its name in the Role field.

  4. In the Meta Inputs field, select the input that you want to associate to the meta input and click the button.

  5. Repeat the above operation to associate the necessary inputs to the meta input.

  6. Click the ... button. The Select a type window is displayed.

  7. Select the type and click OK. The type of the input that you will select at instantiation will have to be identical to this type.

  8. Click OK when done.

The types that display in the Select a type window belong to the packages you selected in the Knowledge Environment tab. (Tools>Options>Parameters and Measure).