About the User Feature Definition Window 

The Userfeature Definition window is accessed by selecting the Insert>UserFeature>UserFeature Creation... command or by clicking the Creates a UserFeature icon ().

Reference file: PktModifyingMainResult.CATPart

The Definition tab

  • The Definition tab lets you define the User Feature as you want to create it. It lets you assign a name to the User Feature and presents its components in the viewer. The tree structure displayed in the Definition tab under Components differs from the structure of the selected feature. The Body.1 object does not appear as an Assemble.1 child. The components displayed under Inputs of components are the features which are not aggregated to the selected object but are required to build it. These are the inputs that will be requested at instantiation.
    Change/Update Components enables you to modify the definition, i.e. the list of the components making up User Features after changing the tab page in the definition dialog box or even later after closing the User Feature definition window. For more information, see Modifying a User-Defined Feature.

  • This tab also allows you to use the contextual Add all authorized inputs command in order to automatically add all authorized inputs allowed to be selected as components. This command is available either on a geometrical component or on the template reference node itself. For more information, see Creating a User Feature.

  The Inputs tab

  • The Inputs tab shows you the inputs (elements to be selected at instantiation) of the User Feature. You can rename these elements for a clearer definition by clicking them in the viewer and entering a new name in the Name: field. In parentheses you still can read the elements' default name based on its type. When the Inputs tab is selected, the User Feature inputs are indicated by red arrows in the geometry area. For more information, see Renaming an input.

  • This tab also allows you to reorder the list of inputs of a template reference at creation time. For more information, see Creating a User Feature.
    Note that the customized order will be reused at instantiation time.



The Meta Inputs tab

  • The Meta Inputs tab lets you define the meta inputs, and their association with real inputs. It also allows you to optionally associate a type with each meta input.
    Add/Remove enables you to add/remove meta inputs. The Role field enables you to enter the name assigned to the meta input.  The enables you to remove inputs from the list of inputs making up the meta input. The button enables you to add inputs to those making up the meta input.
    The ... button enables you to associate a type to the meta input. For more information, see Assigning a Type to the Meta Input.
    The Force meta inputs instantiation option enables you to decide if you want the user to select the instantiation mode. If checked, only the Meta inputs instantiation mode will be available in the Insert Object dialog box. If unchecked, the user will be able to choose the instantiation mode he wants to use i.e. Meta inputs instantiation mode or Meta inputs normal instantiation.

The Parameters tab

  • The parameters tab lets you define which of the parameter values used in the User Feature you will be able to modify at instantiation. This can be a value or a formula.
    Select the parameters and select the Published check box. Use the Name: field to give another name to this element. To publish parameters, see Publishing parameters.



The Documents tab

  • The Documents tab shows the complete path and role of Design tables referenced by an element included in the User Feature. This tab exhibits no document because only design tables belonging to the selected object are displayed. When instantiating or editing the User Feature, you will be able to change the document pointed by the internal design table.



The Properties tab

  • The Properties tab lets you modify the icon identifying the User Feature in the specification tree. A subset of icons is available from Icon choice. If you click ... the Icon Browser opens, showing all icons loaded in your CATIA session.
    Grab screen allows you to capture an image of the User Feature to be stored with its definition. Click Grab screen. You can zoom in or out the image to adjust it. Click Remove preview if you do not need this image.

  • The Instantiation Mode combo box list enables you to choose the view that will be created at instantiation.

    • If you want the end-user to display the User Feature internals, select the White box mode.
    • If you want the end-user to be able to lock and unlock the User Feature instance, select the Black Box mode. This mode is the standard User-Defined Feature view.
    • If you don't want the end-user to access the internals of the User-Defined Feature, select the Black Box Protected mode.


The Outputs tab

  • The Outputs tab provides you with a way to define the result to be carried forward from the User Feature to another document during the instantiation process. For more information, see Modifying the Main Result.
    Note that the dimension of the secondary outputs must always be inferior to the Main result. 


The Type tab

  • The Type tab provides you with a way to associate a type with a User Feature.  This type can be used in search operations, Expert checks, and in Product Knowledge Template.

Super  Type Click Auto. Note that the super type is automatically displayed by the application. The super type can be MechanicalFeature or Skinfeature.
Type1 (Standard Inputs) Enables you to enter the name of the type that you want to assign to the User Feature (MyPadType in the image above) and click Generate.
Type2 (Meta Inputs) Enables you to define a type for the meta input.
  • When generating a new type, the associated .CATGScript file is saved by default in the knowledgeTypesCustom directory. So if you want to re-use this type later, it is strongly recommended to re-generate the index.
    Note that if you want to prototype, we recommend you to use the Reference Directory For Types field (Tools>Options>Parameters and Measure>Knowledge Environment) and to select Load extended language libraries without selecting any package.