Creating a Loop in a Reaction

This task explains how to create a loop in a reaction. In the scenario described below, you are going to:
  • Create 3 points that are inserted into a list
  • Create a formula that will automatically fill in the list
  • Create a reaction that will set the Z coordinate of the points to 20mm if this value is inferior to 20mm.
  • Create a reaction that will set the Y coordinate of the points to 40mm if this value is inferior to 40mm.
  • Update the Part
It is now possible to create the While and the For constructs. To know more, see the Knowledgeware Language topic.
  1. Create a Part containing 3 points.

  2. From the Start > Knowledgeware menu, access the Knowledge Advisor workbench.

  3. Click the List icon () to create the list that will contain the created points.

  4.  Add a formula to fill in the list.

    • Click the Formula Editor icon. The Formula Editor is displayed. In the specification tree, select List.1 and click Add formula.
    • List.1=PartBody.Query("Point",""). Click OK twice when done.
    Note that Japanese users must type the following formula.
  1. Click the Reaction icon (). The Reaction dialog box opens. 

  • In the Source type field, select Selection and select the list in the specification tree for the Reaction to be applied when the list is modified.
  • In the Select a source... dialog box, select List.1 and click OK.
  • In the Available events list, select ValueChange.
  • In the Action field, select Knowledgeware action and enter the following message action body.
    let x(Point)
    for x inside parameter
    if (x.GetAttributeReal("Z") < 0.02)
  • Click OK when done. The Reaction feature is added to the Relations node.
  1. Click the Reaction icon (). The Reaction dialog box opens. 

  • In the Source type field, select Selection and select the list in the specification tree for the Reaction to be applied when the list is modified.
  • In the Select a source... dialog box, select List.1 and click OK.
  • In the Available events list, select ValueChange.
In the Action field, select Knowledgeware action and enter the following message action body.
let i = 1
let x(Point)

for i while i<=parameter.Size()
x = parameter.GetItem(i)
if (x.GetAttributeReal("Y") < 0.04)
  • Click OK when done. The Reaction feature is added to the Relations node.
  1. Create a point with the following coordinates:

    X: 36mm
    Y: 12mm
    Z: 0mm
  2. Update the Part twice: The Y and Z coordinates are set to 40 and 20 mm. Click here to display the result sample.

 For more information about the Reaction feature window, see Using the Reaction Feature Window.