- Question:
In export/import loops, the format of the model is modified at the
re-import in V5.
- Answer:
The format is modified because V5 computes the best possible format to
adjust it to the model.
- Question:
How are associative dimensions dealt with?
- Answer:
They are not supported.
- Question:
There is some inconsistency between graphic and semantic import:
- Answer:
There may be an inconsistency between the results of dimensions
imported with
the semantic preserving option and with the graphic preserving option.
This is generally due to an inconsistency in the DXF/DWG file itself
(the aspect is different in AutoCAD14 and AutoCAD2000).
This happens with files that have not been generated with AutoCAD.
Usually, the graphic mode should be used, but only the author of the file
can confirm it.
- Question:
The R of a radius dimension is a conglomerate of a P with a small \:
- Answer:
The DXF model is probably the result of a graphic export.
In this case, texts are no real texts but geometry.
- Question:
There is a problem of alignment of DIMtext to DIMline:
- Answer:
This occurs while opening a DXF file created with ANSI standard
using an ISO standard (or vice-versa).
- Since V5R9, texts of dimensions without overloaded text and
without tolerance are imported directly as
DIMtext instead of texts with positional link, avoiding thus the
problem of positioning.
- Since V5R14, you can select the required Drawing standard in the
- Question:
Hatches: The result of import is a geometry instead of a filled area:
- Answer:
The original DXF/DWG file does not contain real hatches but geometry
(or old R12 hatches, i.e. blocks). Real hatches are mapped automatically.
- Question:
Fonts: Problems with
è, é, à
... characters:
- True Type fonts on Windows provide the same fonts in your system
and AutoCAD.
- Question:
Fonts: Texts are larger than their frame:
- Answer:
a ratio is available in the TextFontMapping section of the
DXF standard.
- Question:
The entities visible are not those expected:
- Answer:
- All DXF/DWG invisible layers are gathered in a CATIA V5 filter
named Invisible Imported Layers.
- All DXF/DWG visible layers are gathered in a CATIA V5 filter
named Visible Imported Layers.
If the expected entities are not visible, activate the Visible
Imported Layers filter,
or if too many entities are visible, activate the Invisible Imported
Layers filter. |