About Shuttles

A shuttle is a set of products defined explicitly by selecting products individually. Shuttles are persistent and can be stored in your document.
Shuttles are identified by name in the specification tree and by a symbol in the geometry area.

Creating Shuttles

  Four methods are available to create shuttles:
  • Selecting Insert > Shuttle...
  • Click Shuttle and then select the objects afterwards.
  • Selecting the objects first and the click Shuttle afterwards.
  • Right-clicking Shuttle in the specification tree, and then selecting New Shuttle. This is possible only if there is at least one shuttle already defined.
Shuttles are persistent and can be stored in the document. They are listed as separate entities in the specification tree and can be selected at any time and modified.

About Defining Angular Validation for Shuttles

In the Edit Shuttle or Properties dialog box, you can specify a maximum rotation angle around the absolute axis for the shuttle or for a product. This feature is often used to avoid spilling liquids from specific assemblies, such as a gas tank.

It means the shuttle motion is defined and validated with respect to the angle value defined.

You can define angular validation on products. (See the definition above.)
To do so:
  1. Right-click the product in the specification tree, and select Properties.

  2. Click the More button.

  3. Select the Validation tab 

  4. Select the Angle check box.

  5. Enter the appropriate value and select the vector of your choice.

  6. Click OK  to confirm your operation.


What Moves with a Shuttle

By default, the Shuttle option is set, which means that when you move a shuttle, the axis and geometry move together. If you choose to set the Axis option instead, only the shuttle axis moves. Please refer to Moving the Shuttle.


Objects within the Shuttle

Users can select multiple groups of objects for the shuttle, including manufacturing assemblies.  The rules for group selection are as follows:

  • An infinite number of Parts/Products/Groups
  • A shuttle can be referenced by a single parent shuttle
  • A shuttle may not point to the same object twice.
  • A shuttle may not point to a parent and a child in the same tree.

The above rules are checked when creating or editing a shuttle changes to what a shuttle is connected. During multi-selection, each selected object is validated against the existing shuttle and the other selected objects.

Shuttle Axis Behavior

Case 1: You created a shuttle clicking Shuttle   first ( action > object)

  • the shuttle is empty, the shuttle axis is at the absolute origin (document).
  • when you add an object to this shuttle, by default, the shuttle axis moves to the bounding box center of this object.

Case 2: You created a shuttle selecting objects first (either in the geometry area or in the specification tree) (object > action)

  • the shuttle comprises one or more objects, the shuttle axis is positioned at the bounding box center of the objects selected.
  • when you add an object to this shuttle, the shuttle axis does not move.

Snapping Shuttle on Geometry

Use the Ctrl key and the 3D compass manipulation handle to drag the shuttle onto the required object. Then, release the mouse button to drop both the shuttle and compass onto the object. 

You can use the Manipulation toolbar at any time. For more details, please refer to Manipulation Toolbar. and More About Manipulation Toolbar.

About Shuttle Visualization and Color

  • Creating a visualization action (i.e., to show or hide a shuttle) affects the symbol in the geometry that represents the shuttle only.  It does not show or hide any objects associated with the shuttle.
  • Creating a color action affects the color of the objects associated with the shuttle; it does not affect the geometry's symbol for the shuttle.