Instantiating Protective Coverings

 Adding Light Protective Coverings:
  • This command exists in the Electrical Harness Installation workbench.
  • It is a feature present in a multi-branchable document.
  • It covers bundle segments in one branch only.
  • There are four types of light protective coverings.
  • Advantages:
    • Improved performance
    • Reduced data size
    • Improved ergonomics of 3D manipulation tools (positioning ends of protective covering).
Adding Protective Coverings:
  • This command exists in the Electrical Harness Assembly.
  • It is created in a part under a geometrical bundle in the specification tree.
  • It can cover bundle segments located in different branches, as well as bundle segments in different multi-branchable documents.
  • There are two types of protective coverings.
  • If you want to privilege performance and ease-of-manipulation, use Light Protective Covering.
  • If you want to add protective coverings to several branches, or across different multi-branchable documents, use Protective Covering.