Running Band Analysis

This task explains how to run a band analysis to compute and visualize areas on products corresponding to a minimum distance within a user-defined range.

Insert the following sample cgr files: ATOMIZER.cgr, BODY1.cgr, BODY2.cgr, LOCK.cgr, NOZZLE1.cgr, NOZZLE2.cgr, REGULATION_COMMAND.cgr, REGULATOR.cgr, TRIGGER.cgr and VALVE.cgr.

They are to be found in the online documentation file tree in the common functionalities sample folder cfysm/samples.

  1. Click Distance and Band Analysis in the DMU Space Analysis toolbar, or select Insert > Distance and Band Analysis from the menu bar to calculate distances. The Edit Distance and Band Analysis dialog box appears:

The default distance analysis is measuring the minimum distance inside one selection.

  1. In the Definition area, click the Type drop-down list box and select Band analysis. The Minimum and Maximum distance are no longer grayed out.

    Fore more information, read About Distance and Band Analysis and  the Glossary section. 

    The green area on A corresponds to all the points on A for which the minimum distance to B is within the user-defined minimum and maximum distance.

    The red area on A corresponds to all the points on A for which the minimum distance to B is less than the user-defined minimum distance.

  2. Set the Minimum and Maximum distance to define the band width, to 32 and 36mm respectively for example

    Default values are 1 and 2mm respectively

  3. If necessary, set accuracy.

    The value entered defines the maximum value for the length of the longest side of a triangular representation of the results. This representation is used to obtain the red and green surfaces.

    A lower value will give you a more accurate result.

    The default value is 5mm. The minimum value to be accepted is 0.1mm (or in Inches

    0.0039). If you enter a value strictly lower than the minimum value, a warning message is displayed:


  4. Click Apply.A progress bar is displayed letting you monitor and, if necessary, interrupt (Cancel option) the calculation.

    The preview window is displayed:

    Green surfaces identify the areas where the minimum distance between the products is within the specified range.

    Red surfaces identify the areas where the minimum distance between the products is less than the specified minimum distance.

    The Edit Distance and Band Analysis dialog box expands to include filters letting you better visualize the green and red surfaces.

    The Export As letting you save band analysis results in a variety of different formats becomes available.

  5. Set the appropriate options to show, hide or make transparent the green and red surfaces corresponding to band analysis results for components in selection 1. In our example, we set Selection 1 Results (the Trigger) in green to Hide.

  6. Repeat for other components, i.e. those measured against selection 1. In our example, we set Other Selection Results (the Regulation_Command) in red to Transparent.

  7. Click Apply Filters to visualize the results.

    In the Inside one selection computation type, visualization filters are valid where two products only are selected.

  8. Close the Preview window and open a dedicated results window. A Products drop-down box lets you choose whether or not to display the products in either or both selections, or make them transparent. This option is only available in the results window.

  9. Set the drop-down box to Hide/Hide to visualize the results of the band analysis only.

  10. Click OK in the Edit Distance and Band Analysis dialog box when done.

    The band analysis definition and results are kept as a specification tree feature. This means you can run the measurement again after, for example, moving one of the products or modifying the contents of a group: distance results will be updated to reflect changes made.