This section gives you information about questions you may have when working with ARM or the directories structure.
What is the Use of Creating a Buildtime View and a Runtime View?When working with SCM, you must split both views because SCM only
manages files stored in the Buildtime view and CATIA deals with files
stored in the Runtime view. |
What is the Use of the
In Which Cases Do I Have to Modify Environment Variables?When deploying applications, If you copy the directories at a location
that is not known by CATIA, modify the content of some environment
variables ( |
If, After Deploying the Created Applications, the Architect Adds Resources, How Will They Be Taken Into Account?
How Do ARM, the New Directories Structure and the Index File Work Together?If you want to work with ARM and the index file, you have to create the
new directories structure because both systems are based on this structure.
But you can work with this new structure without working with ARM or the
index file. |
How Can I Structure My Data if I Want to Create Several Applications in my Buildtime View and if I Want to Deploy Them?It is strongly recommended to create a framework (if you work with RADE) or a directories structure for each application and to store the resources dedicated to each application in the corresponding framework. When deploying applications resources are merged in the Runtime view. |
Do I Need to Exit CATIA so That My Changes Are Taken Into Account?It depends. If you work with .CATfct, icons, and .CATnls files, you must
run the mkrtv command so that your changes are taken into
account. |
Do I Have to Store the Resources Referenced in the ARM Catalog in Special Directories?ARM catalogs have to be stored in the CATIA Runtime view (in the |
Can I Use ARM Without Using the New Directories Structure? |
Can I Add Other Fields to My ARM Catalogs?No you cannot. ARM is based on a fixed structure containing the following keywords: