
This book is intended for the user who needs to become quickly familiar with Cast and Forged Part Optimizer product.

This overview provides the following information:

Cast and Forged Part Optimizer in a Nutshell

Cast and Forged Part Optimizer is dedicated to users specializing in casting and forging processes. Because Cast and Forged Part Optimizer delivers capabilities covering the final steps of rough part design, it guarantees a successful integration into the machining process.

All of the capabilities available are based on an innovative technology that generates huge gains of time.

Before Reading this Guide

Before reading this guide, you should be familiar with basic Version 5 concepts such as document windows, standard and view toolbars. Therefore, we recommend that you read the Infrastructure User's Guide that describes generic capabilities common to all Version 5 products.
You may also like to read the following complementary product guides:
  • Sketcher User's Guide: explains how to sketch 2D elements.
  • Wireframe and Surface User's Guide: explains how to create wireframe geometry and surfaces.

Getting the Most out of this Guide

To get the most out of this guide, we suggest you start reading and performing the tutorial Getting Started. Once you have finished, you should move on to the next sections dealing with the construction and modification of various types of features you will need to construct parts. All of these commands are discussed in details in the Part Design User's Guide . Likewise, if you need to access reference information on toolbars, refer to the Workbench description section of the Part Design User's Guide.

Accessing Sample Documents

To perform the scenarios, you will be using sample documents contained in the online\cfoug\samples and online\prtug\samples folders.

For more information about this, refer to Accessing Sample Documents in the Infrastructure User's Guide.

Conventions Used in this Guide

To learn more about the conventions used in this guide, refer to the Conventions section.