Will IPS command work with PSF/AIX system?

ITEM: RTA000098059

ABSTRACT:     Will IPS command work with AIX/6000 system?                       
SEARCH ARG:   rs/6000 5a                                                        
TOPIC THREAD: PRINT                                                             
I have created many applications in the 370 MVS world with X'5A'                
commands especially the line data application.  There are about                 
5 commands that can be interspersed in a linedata printfile like                
IPS ( place PageSegment )  Will this work with as well with                     
AFP printers driven by PSF/AIX?  Thanks.                                        
PSF/AIX does support mixed-mode linedata with X'5A' commands                    
interspersed as stated in the first section (What is PSF for AIX?)             
in the Print Administration manual (S544-3817-03, page 3).  So yes,             
assuming the page segment conforms to the IPDS architecture, this               
should work.                                                                    
Thanks for your help to date.  We have developed an application but             
we can't seem to get the printer to accept our 5A command.  It just             
prints is as.  We have tried ASCII and EBCDIC, but no go.  What                 
do we have to do to get accept our 5A IPS field.  I know if this were           
MVS I would merely have to change the output file characteristics. But          
what must I do for PSF/6000?                                                    
To process mixed mode data, you need to process it through line2afp             
(a.k.a. acif), which means you could specify a datatype=line on the            
enq command or JsFileType=line in a job script (psfin or smit). When            
using line2afp, you must specify a formdef and a pagedef.  To process           
mixed mode data, you must also specify cc=yes and cctype=a so that the          
X'5A's in column one are recognized as EBCDIC carriage controls.  Note          
that any information in the structured field, such as a page segment            
name, must also be specified in EBCDIC.                                         
If the variable data is in ASCII (rather than EBCDIC), and if you are           
using a font with an underlying EBCDIC codepage, then you must also             
specify inpexit=/usr/lpp/psf/bin/apka2e to convert the variable data            
to EBCDIC.                                                                      
I hope that helps.                                                              
S e a r c h - k e y w o r d s:                                                 

WWQA: ITEM: RTA000098059 ITEM: RTA000098059
Dated: 07/1999 Category: XPSF6000
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