PSF/AIX & Input Manager: Can you automatically delete files in the

ITEM: RTA000097581

ABSTRACT:     PSF/AIX: Can you automatically delete files in the                
              work area for the Input Manager?                                  
SEARCH ARG:   psf aix segmentation                                              
TOPIC THREAD: PRINT                                                             
Customer has PSF for AIX V2 and is using it with MVS Download.  They            
They are having problems with the spool full conditions.  They can              
not delete old jobs automatically.  Can this be done?                           
Customer uses MVS Download to send jobs to a daemon, and a script               
creates segments (files in segment libraries).  They would like                 
the oldest files deleted.                                                       
In the Input Manager smit screen they take the default for the                  
percentage of work area for retained jobs (90%).  They also specify             
automatic for the workarea management parameter. Yet, the old files             
are not deleted.                                                                
What can be done?  Thank you.                                                   
One thing to check is that you have the most recent PTFs installed.             
Input Manager has been enhanced so that it will better clean up its             
work area.  And please verify that the customer is either using the             
sample shell script provided or that any customized shell             
script being used invokes the psfin command--that's the only way to             
invoke the Input Manager--I don't want to overlook the obvious.                 
If the work area management is automatic, when the work area fills up           
Input Manager determines what percentage of the data in the work area           
has been stacked on a printer.  If the percentage is greater than work          
area B has been configured for, Input Manager should delete retained            
jobs until area B is smaller than the configured percentage.  If the            
percentage is less than area B is configured for, Input Manager will            
wait for data to be stacked on a printer somewhere.                             
(If the work area management is manual and the work area fills up,              
Input Manager takes no action.  The user has complete control over what         
is deleted and is responsible for clearing out the work area for new            
print jobs.)                                                                    
You cannot prevent PSF/AIX from retaining print jobs, but you can               
configure Input Manager such that the amount of retained data is small.        
To minimize the amount of data that is retained, configure area B               
of Input Manager's work area to be 1%.  See Print Admin for details.            
We recommend that /var be at least 100Mb for Input Manager operation            
and, in the best case that /var/psf/segments be the mount point for             
new filesystem of at least 100MB.                                               
If the above recommendations don't solve your problem, please open a            
PMR so that we can determine the right diagnostic steps to take.                
I hope this helps.                                                              
| Note that while much of the above information also holds true for             
| Infoprint Manager, Input Manager does behave differently in some              
| aspects between the two products and some of the default values are          
| different.  Infoprint Manager also has an attribute for a job or              
| default job called "delete-segment-list".  If set to "true",                  
| Infoprint Manager for AIX will delete the segment lists (and                  
| associated segments) when the segments) when the server is done               
| processing (printing) the print request.  PSF/AIX does *not* have             
| this capability.                                                              
| Reviewed/revised 26 July 1999.                                                
S e a r c h - k e y w o r d s:                                                  
input manager workarea work area ipmgr infoprint                                

WWQA: ITEM: RTA000097581 ITEM: RTA000097581
Dated: 07/1999 Category: XPSF6000
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