PSF/6000 with a PCL input file and PCL output file

ITEM: RTA000095831

ABSTRACT:     PSF/6000 with a PCL input file and PCL output file                
              combined with an AFP overlay.  Is this possible?                  
SEARCH ARG:   psf/6000 pcl overlay*                                             
TOPIC THREAD: PRINT                                                             
Customer wants to use PSF/6000 to take PCL in and send PCL out to an            
HP printer.  He wants to have PSF/6000 load an AFP overlay into the             
HP printer and keep it there for the remainder of that job.  The job            
has 100 pages and the overlay is the same for each page.  Can PSF/6000          
do this?  Today the customer is using another server to drive his HP            
printers.  This server combines the overlay with each page of data,             
resulting in poor performance.  Can PSF/6000 help?                              
PSF/AIX can only load AFP resources into the memory of an IPDS printer.         
For non-IPDS printers, PSF/AIX will simulate this.  There are some              
tradeoffs, so it will depend on your customer's situation.                      
In your configuration with PCL as input and PCL as output, PSF/AIX can          
provide the following benefits:                                                 
  - Centralized management of electronic resources (including an                
  - Addition of an overlay without changes to the application                   
  - Migration path to IPDS printers with their attendant benefits               
    (storing resources in memory, error-recovery, and so on).                   
The tradeoffs can be performance, file size and CPU utilization.               
However, since you say your customer is already experiencing poor               
performance with their current configuration, it might be beneficial            
to get a copy of their data and test it with PSF/AIX for comparison.            
In particular, if they are interested in migrating to IPDS printers,            
PSF/AIX can support them today with their PCL printers and in the               
future with the IPDS printers (or a combination).                               
(Note that it is possible to convert forms into PCL and store them at a         
PCL printer and invoke them using PCL macros.  I know that one of the           
specialists in the AIX Support Center in Dallas has done that as a fee          
ConsultLine offering. If you're interested, I can get you in touch with         
the appropriate person in Dallas.  However, if you have multiple PCL            
printers, then you will run into the management issues and potential            
application modification to invoke those macros.)                              
(Reviewed 15 Nov 1999)                                                          
S e a r c h - k e y w o r d s:                                                  

WWQA: ITEM: RTA000095831 ITEM: RTA000095831
Dated: 11/1999 Category: XPSF6000
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