Will PSF/AIX or Infoprint Manager/AIX handle ASCII "Control L" commands ?

ITEM: RTA000094373

ABSTRACT:     Will PSF/AIX handle ASCII "Control L" commands ?                  
SEARCH ARG:   PSF/AIX ascii                                                     
TOPIC THREAD: PRINT                                                             
Customer has an ASCII job with "control L" imbedded commands they               
want to print to their RS/6000 & PSF/AIX attached 3900.                         
How would I setup PSF/AIX to handle the "control L" commands, are there         
any special parms required so that PSF/AIX correctly interprets the             
"control L" commands and sends the job to the 3900 ?                            
Please see ASKQ item RTA000090711; that should answer your question.            
If not, please reopen.                                                          
It's important to understand that the underlying hexadecimal code for           
what appears on the screen to be a CONTROL-L is really a X'0C'. You             
can use the od command with the -cx flags to see the underlying hex             
codes.  For example, if you have a file called test.formfeed, you could         
issue the following command from the AIX command prompt to have the             
hex and characters displayed on the screen:                                     
    od -cx test.formfeed | pg                                                   
If you want to use line2afp with pagedefs for ASCII data that contains          
form feeds (X'0C'), the key to success is using the correct inpexit:           
either asciinp or asciinpe, depending on the font you want to print             
with; you must also specify cc=yes and cctype=z.  (See Print Submission         
for more details.)                                                              
| This information also holds true for Infoprint Manager processing             
| ASCII line data with a pagedef (document-format=line, rather than             
| document-format=ascii).                                                       
| Reviewed 02 June 1999                                                         
S e a r c h - k e y w o r d s:                                                  
psf page eject infoprint acif asciinpe asciinp ¬L                               

WWQA: ITEM: RTA000094373 ITEM: RTA000094373
Dated: 06/1999 Category: XPSF6000
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