PSF/6000: Estimated storage needed for large Postscript jobs

ITEM: RTA000090483

ABSTRACT:     PSF/6000P Estimated storage needed for large (95MB)               
              PostScript jobs.                                                  
SEARCH ARG:   psf6000 /var                                                      
TOPIC THREAD: PRINT                                                             
We are using a C10 to do Postscript transforms and have run out of DASD         
storage on a 95 MB job.  We have been successful in using 3 - 8 MB              
Postscript jobs.  Can you estimate how much storage to allocate to              
process the 95 MB Postscript files?  The printer is a 3827 without AFIG         
or DPE.  Can you estimate how much for a 3827 with AFIG and DPE?                
Here are the guidelines provided by Development.  Note that these are           
based on the number of pages, rather than the size of the input                 
PostScript.  To estimate based on the size of input PostScript would            
have to be done on a individual application basis only.                         
To estimate the space needed for the uncompressed output case (no AFIG),        
use the number of PostScript pages times the following per page:                
     240dpi is about 600Kb per page                                             
     300dpi is about 1Mb per page                                               
These can vary depending on the amount of data on a page but certainly          
represent a reasonable estimate.                                                
The compressed output case is harder to estimate.  It can vary from            
about the same as the numbers above to being 10 times smaller or more.          
You may wish to assume the numbers above for a worst case estimate,             
and use the following numbers for an alternate scenario.                        
     240dpi is about 120Kb per page                                             
     300dpi is about 200Kb per page                                             
I hope that helps.                                                              
S e a r c h - k e y w o r d s:                                                  

WWQA: ITEM: RTA000090483 ITEM: RTA000090483
Dated: 08/1999 Category: XPSF6000
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