AFP Split for PSF/AIX

ITEM: RTA000090169

ABSTRACT:     AFP Split for PSF/AIX                                             
SEARCH ARG:   afp split                                                         
TOPIC THREAD: PRINT                                                             
Customer has been told of an "AFP Split" function that                          
should be present in PSF/AIX. They cannot find it.                              
Can you tell me what this is and where to locate it                             
within PSF/6000?                                                                
The customer wants to be able to take large AFP files                           
and be able to "split" them by range (page numbers or something)                
into smaller "chunks".   They want this function on the                        
AIX platform.  They have a PSF/AIX license installed.                           
The "afpsplit" command comes standard in PSF for AIX V2. The executable         
is located in /usr/lpp/psf/bin. The syntax and instructions are in the          
PSF for AIX Version 2 documentation in Print Submission.  It's pretty           
straightforward and should provide exactly the function you described:          
afpsplit Command                                                                
Purpose: Extracts a page or a range of pages from an AFP MO:DCA-P               
input file and creates a MO:DCA-P output file.                                  
Syntax:  afpsplit -fpage -ppage outputfile                          
Description: The afpsplit command extracts a page or a range of pages           
from an AFP MO:DCA-P document and creates MO:DCA-P output. The                  
afpsplit command reads from stdin and writes to stdout.                         
You might use the afpsplit command to create a separate file starting           
at the 25th page and ending at the 50th page of a 200 page document.            
After you use the afpsplit command to create a file, you can view, store        
or print that file.                                                             
  -fpage = Specifies the forward space function, where page indicates           
           the number of pages (0-999999999) that you can forward space        
           from the beginning of the input file to start extracting the         
           page or range of pages.                                              
           If you do not specify the -f flag, the extraction starts at          
           the beginning of the file. If you specify more than one -f           
           flag, the last one you specify is used.                              
  -ppage = Specifies the page end function, where page indicates the            
           number of pages (0-999999999) to be extracted.                       
           If you do not specify the -p flag, all pages from the                
           forward space point to the end of the input file are included        
           in the output. If you specify more than one -p flag, the             
           last one you specify is used.                                        
  outputfile = Specifies the name of the file for the page or range            
           of pages produced by afpsplit.  If you do not specify a file         
           name, afpsplit uses stdout.                                          
  To extract pages 21-30 from a MO:DCA-P input file called "input.afp"          
  and use the enq command to print those 10 pages on a printer called           
  psf3130, enter:                                                               
        afpsplit -f20 -p10 
WWQA: ITEM: RTA000090169 ITEM: RTA000090169
Dated: 05/1999 Category: XPSF6000
This HTML file was generated 2000/11/30~13:34:04
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