PSF/6000 and color (BESTE Bunch)?

ITEM: RTA000090098

ABSTRACT:     PSF/6000 and color (BESTE Bunch)?                                 
SEARCH ARG:   psf BESTE                                                         
TOPIC THREAD: PRINT                                                             
Can you tell me more about the support for spot color processing                
(BESTE Bunch post-processing device) that was announced for PSF for             
AIX Version 2 (5765-505)?  Is it available for PSF/6000 Version 1               
(5765-140) as well?                                                             
Yes, PSF/6000 V1.2 (with a PTF) and PSF for AIX V2.1 have added SMM             
support for the Advanced Post Processing Feature (#4720). This means you       
can now attach the BESTE Bunch color imprinter. Here's more information:        
 PSF/6000 now supports the Advanced Function Post Processing Interface          
 Feature #4720 for the attachment of postprocessing devices to such AFP         
 printers as the IBM 3900. Feature #4720 permits attachment of                  
 post-processing devices that provide color plate imprinting of fixed           
 information such as logos and letterheads, or punching, cutting, and           
 perforating, or other postprocessor defined operations.                        
 PSF/6000 provides SMM support for Feature #4720 and the attached               
 postprocessor devices. For postprocessing that is selectable from a            
 print job, the SMM post-printing options can be specified in a FORMDEF         
 resource using PPFA/6000. (See the IBM Page Printer Formatting                
 Aid/6000: User's Guide.)                                                       
 The printer operator must setup the postprocessors to match the SMM ID         
 operations named in the FORMDEF associated with a print job. A                 
 dedicated print queue, associated with each FORMDEF requiring special          
 setup considerations, can be defined and placed under operator control.        
 The printer paper path may include the postprocessor devices. For              
 continuous forms printing, this affects when the last page of a print          
 job is considered stacked. If short print jobs have not cleared the            
 paper path and the associated PSF/6000 queue device, the printer               
 operator may need to 'Stop' then 'Ready' the printer when no additional        
 jobs will push the short jobs to the stacker.                                 
 If a FORMDEF associated with a print job specifies SMM IDs which are           
 not available, PSF/6000 cancels the print job.                                 
I hope that helps. Closing.                                                     
S e a r c h - k e y w o r d s:                                                  
aIX PSF/6000 PSF/AIX BESTE BUNCH COLOR SMM 4720                                 

WWQA: ITEM: RTA000090098 ITEM: RTA000090098
Dated: 07/1999 Category: XPSF6000
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