In PSF for AIX, how do I get collated copies from different bins?

ITEM: RTA000089850

ABSTRACT:     In PSF for AIX, how do I get collated copies from differ          
              ent bins?                                                         
SEARCH ARG:   psf/6000 copies                                                   
TOPIC THREAD: PRINT                                                             
My customer is printing checks on a 3935 attached to PSF for                    
AIX (i.e. v2). He also wants to print a copy of the checks using                
paper from a second bin. He currently has the job setup with                    
a formdef which has a subgroup specifying bin 2 to get him his                  
copies. This give him copies integrated with the originals, that is             
check, copy, check, copy etc. He wants to change this to print all              
checks from bin 1 and then all copies from bin 2. In MVS I would use           
2 output statements with different formdefs, each formdef would have            
a different bin specified. How do I do this in PSF for AIX?                     
On MVS, the use of two OUTPUT statements causes the job to be submitted         
for printing twice; you don't really see this, but that's what's                
happening according to the developers I asked.                                  
On PSF/6000 (PSF for AIX), in order to get the same results (e.g., two          
different sets of output, each using a different formdef), the job will         
also have to be submitted twice calling for the different formdefs.             
There's no facility in PSF for AIX to do that for you "under the                
covers". However, it might be possible to develop a custom shell script         
to do this for you.  We would need more information from you before             
giving you a specific answer, such as "Is a transform involved (such as        
acif/line2afp) and how is invoked (smit? enq -odatatype=line? acif with         
a pipe to enq?)".  My thinking would be to transform the data only once,        
but then enq it twice with a different formdef or bin statement. Thus           
one approach would be to write a shell script that invokes the transform        
(assuming one is involved) to produce an AFPDS file, and then issues            
two enq statements against that file, then finally erases the file              
once the jobs have printed successfully.                                        
If you wish to pursue a custom shell script or backend program, please          
contact the PSC services organization.                                          
Thanks for using ViewBlue.                                                      
S e a r c h - k e y w o r d s:                                                  
AIX PSF/6000 PSF FOR AIX COLLATED COPIES FORMDEF BIN psf/aix mvs               
output formdef                                                                  

WWQA: ITEM: RTA000089850 ITEM: RTA000089850
Dated: 05/1999 Category: XPSF6000
This HTML file was generated 2000/11/30~13:34:04
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