Can the 3900-DW2 support printing from multiple PSF/AIX queues?

ITEM: RTA000088834

ABSTRACT:     Can the 3900-DW2 support printing from multiple PSF/6000          
              machines over a token-ring LAN?                                   
SEARCH ARG:   3900 tcp/ip                                                       
TOPIC THREAD: PRINT                                                             
My customer will be installing a 3900-DW2 on their token-ring LAN.              
Initially, PSF/6000 on a single RISC System/6000 will be used to                
print to the 3900-DW2.  Because of the large volume of data that will           
be printed, we plan to use the enq -c command to queue print jobs               
without physically copying them into the AIX spool queue.  Next, we             
will add a second RISC System/6000 that will also need to print to             
the 3900-DW2 over the same token-ring LAN.  We would like to use the            
same scheme for printing as I just described; i.e., enq -c.  We are             
NOT planning on designating one of the RISC System/6000's as a print            
server for the 3900-DW2 because we don't want the large volumes of print        
data moving from one system to another; we don't even want to move it           
to AIX print queue˘                                                             
1.  Can the 3900-DW2 support printing from MULTIPLE PSF/6000 systems?           
2.  If not, given our constraints of not moving data to a server, can           
    you suggest an alternative?                                                 
Only one PSF can "own" a printer at a single time because of the two           
way conversation that takes place between the PSF software and the              
microcode in the printer.  However, you can achieve the same objective          
with a combination of timers in the PSF/6000 printer configuration.             
First is the Job Interval SHUTDOWN Timer in each PSF/6000 (Tuning               
Options); that sets the number of seconds for PSF/6000 to wait for AIX          
spool data to become available before releasing the printer. The default        
value is 9999, which says "never release". In your case, you would set          
it to a lower value. (Note: the value for NPRO should be less than the          
value set for Job Interval SHUTDOWN.)                                           
Then, for both of the PSF/6000 printer definitions under Device Options,        
you would set the Connection TIMEOUT to 9999, so that each PSF/6000 will        
wait indefinitely to acquire the printer.                                       
Note that each time the printer is released by one PSF/6000 and acquired        
by another, all resources that had been stored in printer memory are            
deleted, and the acquiring PSF will have to send the required resources         
to the 3900.  So there will be some additional overhead.                        
Or you can manually drain one PSF/6000 using the psfctl -dt command,            
and start the other (psfctl -u); you would have the same issue with             
resource reloading.                                                             
Note that the enq command defaults to queueing (no copy of the file             
made); the -c flag you mentioned DOES spool (i.e., make a copy of the           
file).  qprt and lp also default to queueing; only lpr defaults to              
spooling.  Based on your description, I think you want enq *without*            
the -c flag.                                                                    
Thanks for using ViewBlue.                                                      
S e a r c h - k e y w o r d s:                                                  
AIX PSF/6000 SHARING TIMER psf/aix job interval shutdown multiple               

WWQA: ITEM: RTA000088834 ITEM: RTA000088834
Dated: 05/1999 Category: XPSF6000
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