ASCII form feeds not working in PSF/6000 environment.

ITEM: RTA000086010

ABSTRACT:     ASCII form feeds not working in PSF/6000 environment.             
SEARCH ARG:   psf/6000 ascii                                                    
TOPIC THREAD: PRINT                                                             
Please help us to set up ASCII transform queues to permit proper                
processing of ASCII form feeds.  Client has migrated from PSF/VSE to            
PSF/6000 to drive 3825.  They have set up queues as per previous ASKQ           
items to print output in portrait and landscape.                                
However, according to the client, the output is in the correct                 
orientation but it is not skipping to new pages as per the ASCII control        
character, control-V.                                                           
Can you provide a sample of how to set up ASCII transforms to allow             
ASCII form feeds?                                                               
PSF/6000 accepts either Proprinter II or Quietwriter III as input ASCII         
data streams.  Or, if you want to use a pagedef to format the ASCII,            
PSF/6000 will accept flat ASCII with at most line feed, carriage return,        
and form feed.  In both cases, the value for form feed equates to               
X'0C', which in an edit session on my screen appears as a control-L.            
(Line feed is X'0A' and carriage return is X'0D'.) These values are             
documented in Appendix J of the PSF/6000 Print Administration book,             
Can you verify that the value your customer is trying to use for form           
feed is X'0C'?  You can use the od command to display both character            
and hexadecimal data if you don't have access to a binary editor. For           
example, "od -t cx filename | pg".                                              
If the customer is indeed using a X'0C' for form feed and is trying to          
format the data with a pagedef through acif or line2afp, then you must          
utilize the inpexit parameter on the command calling either the asciinp         
exit or the asciinpe exit.  These exits were added in a PTF late in 1994        
to enable PSF/6000 to use a pagedef with ASCII data that includes a             
form feed or carriage return. (Previously, the only allowable control           
character had been a line feed.)  So you will need to make sure your            
customer has the latest maintenance, and you will need to get a copy of         
the PSF/6000 Update Guide Volume 2, G544-5264; these exits are                 
documented on page 142.  The asciinp exit assumes the job is to be              
printed using a font with ASCII code points; the asciinpe exit assumes          
the job is to be printed using a font with EBCDIC codepoints, and               
performs an ASCII-to-EBCDIC conversion.                                         
If the customer is not using acif/line2afp and a pagedef to try and             
format the data, but is instead using the ASCII transform without               
success, and if the control character is indeed a X'0C', then you               
should open a PMR with the Support Center. But I hope this fixes it.            
(Reviewed 2/99; information holds true for PSF/6000, PSF/AIX, and               
                InfoPrint Manager)                                              
S e a r c h - k e y w o r d s:                                                  
AIX PSF/6000 ASCII FORM FEED psf/aix asciinp asciinpe carriage return          
page eject 0C 0A 0D line                                                        

WWQA: ITEM: RTA000086010 ITEM: RTA000086010
Dated: 02/1999 Category: XPSF6000
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