Psegs with PSF for AIX

ITEM: RTA000159925

Topic thread:                                                                   
Printer Systems (PRINT - NA/ATS)                                                
I have a costumer with PSF for AIX v. 2.1 and an IP4000 ID1/ID2.                
He is sendind a data with Structured Fields calling images ( Psegs )            
dynamically. There are 7 psegs. He said that the performance decreased          
70% using this solution. When he calls the psegs in the pagedef, the            
perform is good, but he really needs to call the images dynamically.            
I asked him to declare in his pagedef the psegs that he'll use with the         
Segment command, but this not  solved the problem.                              
If you need more information, please ask me¢                                    
Thank in advance¢                                                              
Your advice was excellent.  This should have fixed the problem.                 
Maybe the customer is not doing what you suggested, or not doing it             
correctly.   Have you verified that they have created a Page Definition         
that maps all 7 page segments, and that they are invoking this pagedef          
for the job?   Does the pagedef have multiple page formats, and if              
so, have they specified the page segments for all the pageformats               
which will be used for this job?                                                
Also be sure they are not getting errors when they are printing.                
Perhaps when they call in the page segments dynamically, they are               
placing some off the page and causing positioning errors.                       
So be sure they are printing with DATACK UNBLOCK so you can see the             
I talked with the customer and he said that all psegs were defined in           
all page formats inside the Page Definition. On monday I'm going there          
to do some tests, looking for errors and to run a trace. I'll use               
DATACK UNBLOCK to see some error regarding to off the page, but he said         
to me that all images are being positioned good in the printed pages.           
If you have some Tips/ideas to give me, please send me. It'll be my             
first trace running for PSF/6000, so could be helpful some tips or steps        
that I have to follow. I'll check for your tips on the weekend if you           
have someone.                                                                   
Thanks and please, wait my feedback¢                                            
They are defining the page segments correctly in all page formats.              
I did a trace and get messages in the error.log and trace.log files. I          
will show you some pieces of these files:                                       
08/30/99 17:44:09 0420-237: Starting the Error Log for printer                  
08/30/99 17:44:09 0420-885: PSF is establishing communications                  
with IP4000D.                                                                   
                            ain3ddii.c 475                                      
17:44:15 0420-252: The sense bytes received from the printer are                
08/30/99 17:45:50                                                               
0420-252: The sense bytes received from the printer are                         
08/30/99 17:45:50 0420-249: PSF received IPDS exception X'08C1..00',            
action code                                                                     
                            X'01' from the printer.                             
                    Job Name=/var/psf/tmp/rqnsEa Job ID=00760 Node              
                       ID=ibmserve User ID=root                                 
08/30/99 17:46:27                                                               
0420-252: The sense bytes received from the printer are                         
08/30/99 17:46:27 0420-252: The sense bytes received from the printer           
08/30/99 17:46:30                                                               
0420-130: ERROR: The name of the resource in error is O1VAZIO.                  
                   Job Name=/var/psf/tmp/rqnsEa Job ID=00760 Node               
                      ID=ibmserve User ID=root                                  
08/30/99 17:46:30                                                               
0420-249: PSF received IPDS exception X'08C1..00', action code                  
                   X'01' from the printer.                                     
Job Name=/var/psf/tmp/rqnsEa Job ID=00760 Node                                  
   ID=ibmserve User ID=root                                                     
08/30/99 17:46:30 0420-249: PSF received                                        
IPDS exception X'08C1..00', action code                                         
X'01' from the printer.                                                         
Name=/var/psf/tmp/rqnsEa Job ID=00760 Node                                      
ID=ibmserve User ID=root                                                        
The trace.log:                                                                 
....SFIO >SFIO_ftell stream_p=305e22dc                                          
....SFIO File I/O stream descriptor:                                            
            eyecatcher=SFIOSTRM  type_flag=2  stream_p=0                        
            file_class=2  stream_size=62502  _flag=0                            
            rba=24824  b_cur_p=3058414c  b_avail=7944                           
            CURRENT Buffer: b_p=30584054  b_rba=24576  b_max_size=8192          
                            b_actual_size=8192  b_pool=30580008                 
            NEXT Buffer:    b_p=3058605c  b_rba=32768  b_max_size=8192          
                            b_actual_size=8192  b_pool=30580008                 
            handle=22  async_flag=1  async_sem=0                                
            async_b_to_read=8192  async_b_read=8192  async_rc=0                 
....SFIO sfi_buf_num_bytes_left_over=0                              
           so sf_offset=16624                                                   
....CGET CGET_RETURN_STRUCT:                                                    
           sf_code=EEFB  IPD                                                    
....CGET structured field data:                                                 
....CGET .30605fdc FE921FFC35AAAAA4AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA                             
....CGET .30605fec AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA                             
....CGET .30605ffc AAAABF11111111111111111111111111                             
....CGET .3060600c 11111111111111111111111111111711                            
....CGET .3060601c 0D0A090542A290D0A4290870C2A11114                             
....CGET .3060602c 84444444444444444444444444444444                             
....CGET .3060603c 44444444                                                     
....CGET status=0                                   
....COBJ SF read: IPD (X'D3EEFB')                                               
          sequence num=0                                                        
....COBJ cell matches SF ID: X'EEFB'                                            
....COC9 >COCA_ipd_s                                                            
....COC9 sf_len=8192                                                            
About the O1vazio specified in the error.log file, I did a test without         
the O1vazio overlay but the performance remained the same and the               
messages sent to the error.log file remained the same too ( 0420-249:           
PSF received IPDS exception X'08C1..00', action code                            
         X'01' from the printer.                                                
I got messages in the trace2.log , so if you need it , please ask me.           
I'll look at the data with structured field to find some mistake. If you        
have some tips or information for me, please send me.                           
Hi¢ After several days... I'd like to continue this PMR. We've tested a         
lot , increased RISC and IP4000 memory , created PSEGS again using AFP          
Driver, etc... But the performance is still bad. We was always getting          
the error.log message: IPDS exception X'08C1..00', action code X'01'            
from the printer, that means a printing off the page size.                      
We was positioning two PSEGS size A5 (one besides the other) in an A4           
pagesize. But now, we fixed it. We are positioning both in origin 0 0           
(structured field). Thus, the error log message above has gone off.             
Positioning both PSEGS in the origin doesn't solve our problem, because         
we have to place both besides. But for testing time, it's ok¢ Althougth        
we fixed the position off of page, we still have bad performance.               
We did the same test in an IP20 ( the same data , PSEGS,etc ) and the           
performance was good.                                                           
The previous responder is out of the office all week at                         
the US XPLOR Conference.  She should be back in the office on Monday,           
8 November.                                                                     
Is the performance delay only when the page segments are first loaded in        
a particular job?  If so, PSF/AIX does allow you to keep segments               
in the printer memory between jobs.  The default setting is to keep             
no jobs in printer memory between jobs.  To change the setting, go to           
Show / Change Characteristics of a PSF for AIX Printer, select Tuning           
Options and select the IP4000. (The smit fastpath is:                           
smit psf_prt_sel_tuning_options).  On the Tuning Options panel, you can        
change the value for the "MAXIMUM number of SEGMENTS to keep between            
jobs" to 7 and press ENTER or DO.  I recommend bouncing the instance            
of PSF/AIX for this print queue (psfctl -dtu psfqname or psfctl -dku            
psfqname); the ain processes running for this printer must all stop             
and be restarted so the printer profile is reread after you make the            
changes.  Then try printing the job again and see if the performance            
after the page segments are initially loaded improves.                          
There is also an option under Show / Change for "Error Handling Options"        
that determines if PSF/AIX will continue or stop a job when an image            
or graphic error is encountered.  The default is "no", which means to           
continue printing the job even if errors occur, with the errors then            
printed out at the end of the job.  You can change it to "yes" to have          
the job stopped if there are any errors in the image or graphics                
objects.  If you change this value, again you should stop/restart the          
PSF/AIX queue so the printer profile is reread.                                 
If these suggestions don't help, I would suggest that you open a PMR            
with Level 2 Defect Support so they can assist you with any traces              
that might help determine the problem.                                          
 Also ensure that your customer has current PSF/AIX maintenance on.             
 Thank you for using ViewBlue/Techline.                                         

WWQA: ITEM: RTA000159925 ITEM: RTA000159925
Dated: 11/1999 Category: XPSF6000
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