PSF/AIX: Request to identify the full print resource name (incl. path) used

ITEM: RTA000158412

Topic thread:                                                                   
Printer Systems (PRINT - NA/ATS)                                                
Customer has multiple libraries in which they store print resources.            
Sometimes a resource with the same name is stored in multiple libraries         
(e.g. test and production).  Although there is a resource hierarchy, if         
PSF finds he is unable to access the resource in the first library (e.g         
wrong permissions or wrong owner), PSF goes to the next accessible              
resource and does not post any error message.  The customer would like          
to write an exit to identify the full path and resoruce name of each            
resource used in a print run.                                                   
In MVS there is a resource management exit but I do not see a similar          
exit in AIX.  Of the exits I do see, the accounting and audit exits seem        
to capture the number of resources used but not the name.                       
Is there a way to obtain the name and path of the resources used?  How          
can it be done?                                                                 
There is no exit data that can provide the information you seek.                
However, I talked with one of the developers and he suggested                   
a couple of ideas.                                                              
1) There is an "unsupported" tool on our Infoprint  "shareware"                 
   web site that should do the trick. Try getting to                                         
   The first tool listed is afpInfo. Download it and give it                   
   a try. You'll need to specify all search paths for the tool via the          
   command line (it doesn't look at user/printer/default paths) but             
   hopefully that would get the job done in their test environment.             
    afpInfo -i input.afp -o output.list -d  \                                   
    -fpath /usr/lpp/psf/testlib:/usr/lpp/psf/fontlib:/usr/lpp/afpfonts          
2) A Resource Manager or Resource Librarian trace would provide the             
   information, but you'd have to look through a lot of output just             
   to find this information.                                                    
3) It might be possible to utilize an AIX trace for "file opens" or            
   "file activity" to see which files actually get opened during the            
   printing of a test job.  Unfortunately, I have no way to test this           
   right at the moment.                                                         
Hopefully this will give you a couple of ideas.  If you need me to              
test the AIX trace scenario (#3) or if you have additional questions,           
please reopen this item.                                                        
Thanks for using ViewBlue.                                                      
S e a r c h - k e y w o r d s:                                                  
psf/6000 psf/aix infoprint ipmgr search path resource trace aix log             
context exit shareware librarian manager                                        

WWQA: ITEM: RTA000158412 ITEM: RTA000158412
Dated: 08/1999 Category: XPSF6000
This HTML file was generated 2000/11/30~13:34:11
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