PSF/AIX: 4370 bad performance when print small jobs

ITEM: RTA000158057

Customer use one 4370 with PSF for Aix.                                         
when use LPR from non-AIX client to sumit many small jobs (1-2 pages),          
such as 20 jobs.the psf receive the jobs ,some are running,some are             
iniciating, some are queued. But the printer can not print the jobs             
consecutively. It only print 2-3 jobs ,then stop and take a long time           
(almost 1 minute) and then print other 3 jobs. ( I set 8 dev for the            
Then  after print more than 15 jobs. a more bad situation is that 2 dev         
in the queue  alway in initiating , but did not print. so it  can not           
print all the jobs.                                                             
Is it caused  by the seting or other ? Can I resolve it thru setting?          
If not , can you tell me the reason.                                            
What is the data type of the jobs that are being submitted?  If they            
are PCL or PostScript input, unless you've configured it otherwise,             
there is probably only one instance of each daemon running, so only one         
PCL job and/or one PostScript can be processed at a time.  This may be          
the reason that you see some jobs stay in INITING status; they may be           
waiting for the daemon to become available.                                     
For instructions on setting up more than one pcl2afpd or more than one          
ps2afpd daemon, please review libraried item RTA000037105.                      
There is some inter-job overhead, meaning that there is some processing         
that PSF must do between jobs.  This becomes more noticeable when the          
jobs are very short.  However, that time is measured in a few seconds,          
not a minute, so I don't think that's the issue here.  But I wanted             
you to be aware.                                                                
What is your value of NPRO set to on the PSF/AIX Processing Options             
smit panel?  The default is 60 seconds, which could correspond to the           
one minute pause you're seeing.  I understand that you have eight               
queue devices defined, but if all your jobs are short that may not              
be enough to get one or more jobs all the way to the output stacker,            
thus freeing up a queue device for processing another job.                      
See libraried item RTA000089949 for more information on NPRO and its            
role with continuous forms printers such as the 4370 (Infoprint 62).            
What is the configuration of your RS/6000 (type/model, amount of memory,        
number of disks and amount of disk space, amount of paging space)?             
Have you run any of the performance analysis tools to see if there is           
a bottleneck somewhere?                                                         
I would check all of these first and see if that helps.  If not, I can          
try to assist further, but the best approach would be to open a problem         
with the Support Center who can ask for the diagnostic information they         
would need to debug the problem.                                                
I hope this helps.                                                              
S e a r c h - k e y w o r d s:                                                  
psf/6000 psf/aix performance psf aix 4370 ip62 infoprint 62 continuous          
printer npro small jobs postscript pcl transform ps2afp pcl2afp daemon          

WWQA: ITEM: RTA000158057 ITEM: RTA000158057
Dated: 08/1999 Category: XPSF6000
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