What causes file to remain in /var/psf/tmp? (pcl2afp)

ITEM: RTA000157999

Topic thread:                                                                   
Printer Systems (PRINT - NA/ATS)                                                
My customer is using the pcl2afp capability of PSF for AIX to transform         
PCL insurance policy output for printing on IBM 3160 printers.  We are          
monitoring file space in the /var filesystem, and notice that at times          
files are "left over" in /var/psf/tmp after the PCL print job is                
transformed and printed.  This results in the /var filesystem filling up        
over time and causing all kinds of havoc.  We are now manually                  
monitoring the /var/psf/tmp directory and deleting all files except             
those with a current (today) date stamp.                                        
I have read in other ViewBlue items that the file contained in                 
/var/psf/tmp is the AFPDS file which is created by the pcl2afp                  
transform.  We submit the job via lpr to a queue which has datatype=pcl         
hardcoded in /etc/qconfig.                                                      
I have three questions.                                                         
1. Am I correct in believing that these "left over" files are AFPDS             
files created by pcl2afp ?                                                      
2. What types of things could cause this file to be "left over" rather          
than deleted ?  (It seems like most of our files do indeed get correctly        
3. What diagnostic steps would you suggest ?                                    
As always, thanks for your help.                                                
The files in /var/psf/tmp are AFPDS files from the pcl2afp transform            
that are supposed to be erased when a job prints successfully.  In this         
customer's case, they have jobs that are not printing successfully for          
possibly a number of reasons, including insufficient space in the /var          
and/or /var/psf filesystems, their requirement for more than 50 PCLsoft         
fonts in a customized UserInit file, and the amount of virtual memory           
this requires as a result.                                                      
The customer is working with Level 2, but development wishes to                 
reiterate that the PCL transform in PSF/AIX and Infoprint Manager was           
never formally tested with any softfonts in UserInit, much less 55, and        
thus cannot be formally supported.                                              
Working with Level 2 is the correct approach.                                   
Please reopen if you have additional questions.                                 
S e a r c h - k e y w o r d s:                                                  
psf/6000 psf/aix infoprint psf aix pcl2afp pcl transform /var/psf/tmp           

WWQA: ITEM: RTA000157999 ITEM: RTA000157999
Dated: 08/1999 Category: XPSF6000
This HTML file was generated 2000/11/30~13:34:11
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