PSF Direct to "virtual printer" for later printing?

ITEM: RTA000157519

Topic thread:                                                                   
Printer Systems (PRINT - NA/ATS)                                                
A customer here in Brazil wants to know if he can transfer all the file         
before printing, using the PSF Direct solution.                                 
I think that the PSF Direct session between the mainframe and the RISC          
needs a printer in "Ready status". Could we bring this printer down and         
tranfer all the file and then print it? Could we use a "virtual                 
printer", like print to file, using PSF Direct?                                 
Could you help us?                                                              
PSF Direct sends down IPDS data since it thinks it is talking to an             
IPDS printer (when in fact it is talking to the Host Receiver code              
in PSF).  So this is not a datastream you could save to file and                
print later (since IPDS is not an accepted *input* data stream to               
What does the customer really want to accomplish?                               
 -- Is he looking for an SNA-based file transfer program simply to move         
    data between the mainframe and the RS/6000?  AIX 3270 Host                  
    Connectivity facility (HCON) does have a fxfer program, and the             
    Communications Server for AIX product (I believe) has a LU6.2-based         
    FTP program.  Or there may be business partner or third-party              
    products that would support bulk data transfer.                             
 -- Or is he looking for a print solution where the print files are             
    transferred or spooled to the RS/6000, then the print is managed            
    from there?                                                                 
    --  If the latter, is SNA a requirement?  If not, then MVS Download         
        or IP PrintWay with TCP/IP would be the recommended solution.           
Please provide additional information on the customer's underlying              
objective, and we'll do our best to help.                                       
S e a r c h - k e y w o r d s:                                                  
psf/6000 psf/aix psf aix direct ipds spooling operator control                  
sna tcp/ip dpf virtual printer Infoprint                                        

WWQA: ITEM: RTA000157519 ITEM: RTA000157519
Dated: 08/1999 Category: XPSF6000
This HTML file was generated 2000/11/30~13:34:11
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