PSF/AIX licensing for 0 speed printers

ITEM: RTA000157430

Customer wishes to copy PSF/AIX onto another machine and will pay us            
for Infoprint base product to do this. We are fine with this, but the           
question is, will PSF/AIX V2.1 install without a printer speed                  
license. They are not printing, only using the transforms.                      
I would also be interested to know how you approach installs of                 
Infoprint Manager when the transforms are only required.                        
Thanks, Laurie Shaw                                                             
Are you talking about actually installing PSF/AIX 2.1 code (only the            
customer will be purchasing an IPM license?  Or are you trying to find          
out if you can install ONLY the psf filesets that come with the IPM             
code?(as a subset)                                                              
If you plan on installing PSF/AIX 2.1 code on this system, then the             
licensing is non-issue, because you are never prompted for any licensing       
keys information.  The code will install without that.                          
As for the latter, if you intend to only install the PSF code from the          
InfoPrint Manager install CD, I would doubt that this would work.               
Although I haven't tried it.  I don't know how much of the PSF code is          
included in the IPM base code.  You may be able to install just the             
transform filesets without it prompting you, or failing because of keys.        
The other issue is what other filesets (IPM code filesets) would be             
requisite for the transform (PSF) filesets.                                     
So to answer your question on the latter scenario, I don't know.  You           
will just have to try it.  Obviously, this would not be a supported             
Survey Taken: SATLEVEL: 1 REASON:                                               
They will be installing PSF/AIX, but at a later stage will remove               
PSF and install Infoprint Manager. So, I have said to them today that           
they need to purchase a low speed license at that time.                         
Many Thanks, Lauire                                                             
The record was closed by the author.                                            
Sounds good.  Thank you.                                                        
S e a r c h - k e y w o r d s:                                                  
psf/aix psf aix license infoprint manager ipm printer                          

WWQA: ITEM: RTA000157430 ITEM: RTA000157430
Dated: 07/1999 Category: XPSF6000
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