PSF for AIX: Where does it send error messages?

ITEM: RTA000153081

Topic thread:                                                                   
Printer Systems (PRINT - NA/ATS)                                                
My customer has an IP4000 and PSF for AIX. When he sends a job to the           
printer ( AFP application with CC and TRC ), the job entries in the             
queue and disappears, but the printer isn't printing nothing. He wants          
to know where (which file?) PSF sends any message error?                        
The file /var/psf/printer_name/error.log didn't say anything, only              
printer's messages.                                                             
Thank you.                                                                      
Are you using a pagedef?  If so, you need to specify datatype=line              
explicitly in order to invoke the acif/line2afp transform.  Its messages        
normally go to stdout (usually the screen).  However, depending on how          
you submit the job, if you haven't specified a value for msgdd, the             
messages may not display.                                                       
I ask because the most common reasons for a job just "disappearing"             
are that either you've forgotten to specify datatype=line, or you have          
specified datatype=line (calling acif/line2afp), but your requested             
resources are missing or inaccessible.                                          
If you're using acif, I would suggest that you transform the job by             
issuing the line2afp/acif command from an AIX command prompt and add            
the msgdd parameter to capture the errors to a file.  For example,              
  line2afp pagedef=P1ABC formdef=F1ABC cc=yes cctype=a (or z) trc=yes \         
  chars=GT15 msgdd=/tmp/acif.err outputdd=/tmp/filename.afp \                   
(where the backslash \ is the AIX continuation command -- this needs            
to be entered as one long command.  Or you can make submitting jobs             
from the command line a bit easier by use of a parmdd file as                   
described in PSF/AIX Print Submission.)                                         
When the job completes, you'll be returned to the command prompt.               
Browse the /tmp/acif.err file to see if acif completed successfully             
or not.  Use psfmsg to get detail on any messages you want more                 
information on.  Hopefully, this will help you identify and resolve             
the problem.                                                                    
If you're not using acif/line2afp (i.e., no pagedef), then please               
provide information on how you're submitting the job (enq, smit,                
MVS Download, etc.).  Try marking the PSF queue down (you can either            
use the AIX disable command or psfctl -d psfqname) to see if the job            
successfully queues; if it does, then reenable the queue to see if              
that's the point at which it disappears. Let me know as many details            
about the scenario as you possibly can, including any error message             
numbers (once you find the error messages) if you need to reopen this.          
I hope this helps.  If not, please reopen.                                      
S e a r c h - k e y w o r d s:                                                  
psf/6000 psf/aix psf aix acif line2afp cc trc job disappears queued             
released msgdd messages errors error log printer data                           

WWQA: ITEM: RTA000153081 ITEM: RTA000153081
Dated: 11/1999 Category: XPSF6000
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