What ASCII character translates to X'8F' with apka2e ?

ITEM: RTA000152972

Topic thread:                                                                   
Printer Systems (PRINT - NA/ATS)                                                
I am working with a customer to create a BCOCA UCC128 barcode. In order         
to create the necessary barcode, we have verified that we select CODE128        
in the pagedef FIELD statement and include a X'8F' (ebcdic) as the first        
character in the data field to be printed as a barcode.  The customer's         
scanner has validated our test barcode output.                                  
I have a relatively simple question (I think)¢  We are using PSF for AIX        
and are submitting ASCII data to be printed by the page defintion.  We          
are using the IBM-supplied APKA2E input exit to translate the ascii             
data to ebcdic.  What ASCII character translates to ebcdic X'8F' ?             
apka2e and asciinpe, by default, call the AIX iconv converter to                
convert ASCII codepage 850 to EBCDIC codepage 037.  You can see the             
source of the table that iconv uses by looking at:                              
If you search for 8F, you'll first see what an ASCII 8F would translate         
into in EBCDIC.  If you repeat the search, you'll see that an ASCII             
X'F1' will translate into an EBCDIC X'8F'.                                      
Just FYI, it is possible to recompile apka2e or asciinpe to use other          
iconv converter pairs.  This is described in another libraried WWQ&A            
item (RTA000049603).  It is also possible to create your own                    
customized iconv converter pairs using the genxlt command.  That's              
more than you asked, but I thought I'd include that for the sake                
of completeness.                                                                
Thanks for using ViewBlue.                                                      
S e a r c h - k e y w o r d s:                                                  
psf/6000 psf/aix infoprint ipmgr apka2e asciinpe ascii ebcdic iconv             
genxlt convert translate converter pairs infoprint ipmgr                        

WWQA: ITEM: RTA000152972 ITEM: RTA000152972
Dated: 08/1999 Category: XPSF6000
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