PSF for AIX: headerpage rotation and tab character

ITEM: RTA000152440

Topic thread:                                                                   
Printer Systems (PRINT - NA/ATS)                                                
  PRINT XPSF6000                                                                
My customer has PSF for AIX and wants to:                                       
1. Rotate the header page: I tried to use another formdef                       
   and tested with formdef that uses bin2 and that works;                       
   however when using a formdef that is for landscape,                          
   the header is NOT rotated to landscape.                                      
   Is it possible to print the header page landscape?                           
   I have tried to the supplied headers with the same                          
   result always portrait.                                                      
2. Use the tab character:                                                       
   Customer uses a text editor on AIX and also in the                           
   editor the tab character. I have tried to find information                   
   about the effect of tab characters, however no success                       
   so far. Is there a possibility the use the tab character                     
   and have the same result as e.g. in a Windows 95 text                        
   editor and a connected PCL printer.                                          
   Of course the tab character causes commands to send to                       
   the printer but is there some kind of a translator in                        
   PSF for AIX to support the tab?                                              
R1) I think you're running into issues related to Set Media Origin             
    (SMO). Take a look at items RTA000044862, RTA000100250, and                 
    RTA000148248 for a good discussion of formdef rotation and SMO,             
    including limitations and possible workarounds depending on the             
    destination printer.                                                        
    Once you've read those, since you appear to be printing to a                
    non-IPDS (PCL) printer, I'll confuse the issue by saying that the           
    developer of the secondary process for PCL printers tells me that he        
    recently added support for SMO for AIX-defined PSF printers so that         
    you *can* specify a landscape formdef and media map and have the            
    jobs print in landscape orientation; see APAR IX79254 in the area           
    under "Additional Enhancements".  I've not been successful testing          
    it here, but Level 2 tells me that a "real" customer has it working.        
    I'd suggest getting the latest PTF and trying it, then opening a            
    PMR if it doesn't work as expected.                                        
R2) I need additional information on this part of the question.Please           
    describe what datatype the source data is, and what the difference          
    is between the desired and the actual output.  Is ACIF and either           
    apka2e or asciinp/asciinpe involved?  Please provide as much                
    information as possible, and I'll try to help.                              
I think I have confused you with several wwqa items and indeed I didn't         
give you enough information.                                                    
This item is dealing with a AIX 4.3 and PSF for AIX and attached                
several 3160 (IPDS) printers. Customer wants a rotated (landscape)              
header page. Is your answer dealing with that?                                  
About subject 2:                                                                
The tab character is used in the VI editor and then the file is printed         
as ascii data, I am not sure what parameters are used with the LPRAFP           
command but the result gave instead of the tab character jumping to             
another place several spaces. Of course the table that was meant                
to be printed gave no vertical alignment.                                       
Do you have some hints/tips already or do you want more information             
on the switches on the LPRAFP command?                                          
Thanks for the additional information.                                          
R1) You are hitting the problem relating to the SMO for the 3160. As            
    described in the items I referenced above, the only way you can             
    use a formdef to print the header page in landscape orientation            
    on the 3160 is to specify a formdef with N_UP 1 with the appropriate        
    values for PRESENT and DIRECTION.  The N_UP specification is the            
    key; it is not sufficient to specify PRESENT and DIRECTION without          
    the N_UP.                                                                   
R2) I have seen the problem that you describe when one tries to print           
    a file with datatype=ascii when the source files has tabs.  The             
    columns do not line up correctly even though a uniformly spaced             
    font is used.  If one prints the same file natively through AIX             
    to an AIX printer (not through PSF), it prints correctly.                   
    For datatype=ascii to be used, the incoming datastream must conform         
    to Proprinter II or QuietWriter III escape sequences.  According to         
    the PSF/AIX Print Administration book (S544-3817-03, page 446 in            
    Appendix C), the Horizontal Tab (HT) key would need to be a X'09'.         
    In vi on my AIX 4.2.1 system, the tab key creates a X'09', so that          
    would seem to be okay, but...                                               
    However, the note for the HT code says "The horizontal-tab command          
    uses tabs set by the ESC D sequence."  And this is where I think the        
    issue is.  If you read up on the ESC D sequence on page 451,                
    you'll see that it says "If no tabs are set (meaning by an ESC              
    D sequence in the datastream), horizontal tabs (HT) are ignored."           
    Unless your customer is coding the ESC D sequence to set the tab            
    stops in his or her datastream, PSF will ignore the HTs for                 
    I'm unable to do additional testing on this at the moment, but              
    I believe this is why you're seeing what you do with datatype=ascii         
    and tabs.                                                                  
    Most of our customers use ACIF and datatype=line, even for ASCII            
    files, rather than datatype=ascii and the ASCII Font Mapping                
    Tables because of the better capabilities for formatting and use            
    of fonts.  Would this be possible for your customer?                        
S e a r c h - k e y w o r d s:                                                  
psf/6000 psf/aix psf aix smo set media origin landscape formdef                 
rotate form definition tab datatype ascii align ipds pcl ppds                   
compatibility cut sheet cutsheet infoprint ipmgr                                

WWQA: ITEM: RTA000152440 ITEM: RTA000152440
Dated: 08/1999 Category: XPSF6000
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