Connecting HP Laserjet 5 to PSF/AIX and paper size

ITEM: RTA000152434

Topic thread:                                                                   
Printer Systems (PRINT - NA/ATS)                                                
  PRINT XPSF6000                                                                
We have two problems:                                                           
Q1) This afternoon I tried to connect a HP Laserjet 5 to a AIX/PSF              
    platform. If we use the procedure from the manual 'Printing                 
    Administration 2.1' (S544-3817-03) it results in an error which             
    states that the AIX queue already exists.                                   
    This procedure describes the following:                                    
    1. Create a AIX printerqueue (name SB1) using the provided                  
       driver from the AIX cd                                                   
    2. test this queue using the lp command                                     
    3. add a printer in PSF and set the name to the name that was used          
       above; but this will result in an error.                                 
    We then changed the qprt -P pcl command to qprt -P SB1 and used as          
    PSF queue name SB. This will result in two AIX queues (when checked         
    with the lpstat command) like:                                              
      SB1 hp@sb                                                                 
      SB dev1                                                                   
    When we then print something with PSF the file will first pop-up in         
    the SB queue and a few seconds later it will show in the SB1 queue         
    and transferred to the printer.  I wonder why it has to be this             
    way and so does the customer.                                               
Q2) The other problem is that when you print something from AIX or              
    PSF the printfile will use letter sized paper as a default.  I              
    tried several things in smit but there is no option to change this.         
    I have a feeling it is defaulted in the printer driver for the HP,          
    I looked into this file but it is all coded. (/var/psf/@local/sb)           
R1) When PSF/6000 (and later PSF/AIX) were designed, like our other             
    PSFs, they were designed to use the native operating system                 
    spooling subsystem as much as possible in order not to "reinvent            
    the wheel". For driving IPDS printers, it was not so much of an             
    issue since the operating systems themselves (with the possible            
    exception of OS/400) did not drive IPDS printers natively;                  
    therefore, PSF had to own the function of a printer driver                  
    (formatting, error recovery, etc.).                                         
    However, for non-IPDS printers in the OS/2 and AIX worlds, the              
    operating systems already had drivers and spooling subsystems that          
    could drive PCL or PPDS printers.  Therefore the decisions were             
    made to utilize the existing capabilities of the operating systems          
    and not to duplicate functions the operating systems already                
    provided.  That's why when PSF/AIX prints to a PPDS or PCL printer,         
    what PSF/AIX really is doing is preparing the PPDS or PCL                   
    datastream from the input file, then requeuing that PPDS or PCL to          
    the AIX qdaemon which then handles the communication and any                
    recovery issues with the printer device itself.                             
    As time has passed, our production customers have demanded                  
    more capability than the base AIX spooling subsystem can provide,           
    thus the implementation in PSM and Infoprint Manager which bypasses         
    the AIX spooling subsystem. Both PSM and Infoprint Manager are              
    designed in such a way that they use the existing AIX drivers and           
    AIX print commands to communicate with the printers; however, jobs          
    no longer go through the qdaemon, and you will not see any entries          
    for PSM or Infoprint Manager printers in the /etc/qconfig.                  
    That's kind of a long historical explanation of why PSF/AIX requeues        
    jobs to the qdaemon and existing AIX printers.                              
    Because of this requeuing design, it can be confusing to define PCL         
    or PPDS printers to PSF/AIX, particularly when the examples in the          
    books (at least back in PSF/6000 days) used names that easily              
    confused the reader.  As you've discovered, the PSF queue and the           
    underlying AIX queue to which the PSF queue points must have                
    different names.  This is because both AIX and PSF/AIX put entries          
    in /etc/qconfig, and each queue stanza (though not each queue device        
    stanza) must have a unique name.                                            
    So when you defined your PSF queue called SB, you should have coded         
    the "COMMAND to execute for printer output" as:                             
         qprt -P SB1 -dp -Z¢ -o -fv                                             
    where "SB1" is the name of the AIX printer previously defined and           
    where the character following the Z is an exclamation point (¢).            
    You can verify this command under Device Options (under Show/Change         
    Characteristics of a Printer).                                             
R2) Let's separate this into two issues:                                        
    (a) Printing from PSF                                                       
    (b) Printing from AIX                                                       
2a) Recall that I said PSF/AIX creates the PCL or PPDS that it then             
    requeues to an existing AIX queue.  By default, the size of the             
    PCL/PPDS it creates is LETTER.  To change this, you use the                 
    smitty psfcfg, Show/Change Characteristics..., Bin Mapping Options          
    panel for each bin and select the appropriate size paper.  You              
    will need to recycle/bounce the PSF/AIX queue in order for this             
    change to take effect (psfctl -dtu psfprt).                                 
2b) For printing from AIX, I agree with you that there's something              
    in the AIX virtual printer set up.  You didn't mention the AIX             
    level, but I'm going to assume AIX V4.  You mention a file in a             
    directory that I'm not familiar with and don't see on any of the            
    AIX systems I can browse, and that is /var/psf/@local/sb.                   
    Do you mean /var/psf/sb/sb.profile? hat is the binary version of the PSF    
    printer profile (the rough equivalent of AIX colon files for                
    virtual printers).  That would come into play under (2a), but not           
    for AIX printing (2b).                                                      
    Or could you mean a file in /usr/lpd/pio/predef (AIX colon file             
    templates) or in /var/spool/lpd/pio/@local/custom (the customized           
    colon files for virtual printers you have defined)?  This is also           
    a binary file and cannot be edited directly; you will need to use           
    the AIX smit panels or commands to change the default values for a          
    virtual printer.                                                           
    Note that it is somewhat risky to add, delete or modify virtual             
    printers while printing is going on, although there is an AIX PTF           
    that helps eliminate problems in this area.  I don't have the PTF           
    number handy, but can find it if you're interested.                         
    Hopefully you're on AIX V4, so you can use the smit panels to change        
    the default paper sizes.  The following instructions were generated         
    on an AIX 4.2.1 system for an AIX JetDirect-attached printer using          
    the hplj-5si colon file.                                                    
    From the AIX command line, enter "smit chpq" or "smitty chpq".  From        
    the list, select the print queue name (SB) that you want to change.         
    Then select the first option "1  Printer Setup".This will bring up          
    a panel where you'll see a list of the different paper sizes for the       
    different input bins.  You can list the valid paper sizes in the            
    predefined colon file by pressing PF4 or selecting the List button.         
    Select the one you want from the list, then press Enter or DO to            
    make the change.  Then run a test AIX job to make sure that your            
    change took effect.                                                         
    If you need a paper size that is not one of those listed, then              
    you'll need to modify the colon file for the printer.  A question           
    of that technical depth on AIX printing would need to be queued to          
    the AIX PRINT WWQ&A queue rather than to PSF/AIX.                           
Let me recommend a couple of books on AIX printing and also an internal         
use only web site with lots of good AIX printing information:                   
- AIX Version 4 Guide to Printers and Printing (SC23-2783)                     
- AIX 4.3 Guide to Printers and Printing (SC23-4130)                            
- Printing for Fun and Profit Under AIX V4 (GG24-3570)                          
I hope this helps.   Please reopen if you have additional questions.            
Thanks for using WWQ&A/ViewBlue.                                                
Thanks for your information.                                                    
The customer is on AIX 4.3. I tried also on a test system with                  
AIX 4.2.1 and I have installed the HP laserjet 5si again there.                 
and surprise -- all the options are there , papersize etc...                    
I have opened a PMR with our support center, because I suspect                  
a software bug in the HP LaserJet 5SI prt driver for AIX 4.3.                  
Thanks for the update.  You might be able to copy the predefined colon          
file for the hplj-5si from the AIX 4.2.1 system to the AIX 4.3 system           
as a workaround, and then create a new printer using that, but I'd              
prefer to let the AIX Support Center comment on that as there may be            
some ramifications that I'm not aware of.                                       
S e a r c h - k e y w o r d s:                                                  
psf/6000 psf/aix psf aix psm laserjet hplj-5si colon virtual printer            
letter paper size wrong incorrect error queue spool respool queue               
queuing double queueing bin mapping                                             

WWQA: ITEM: RTA000152434 ITEM: RTA000152434
Dated: 07/1999 Category: XPSF6000
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