PSF/AIX: Questions about S/370 Channel Emulator/A

ITEM: RTA000151119

Topic thread:                                                                   
Printer Systems (PRINT)                                                         
  PRINT XPSF6000                                                                
I have a customer who wants to drive 2 Xerox channel attached printers          
via S/370 Channel Emulator card from RS/6000 with PSF for AIX.                  
I found a PRTHELP msg and a WWQA reference for that.  It seems that             
only one (1) S/370 Channel Emulator card can be used in bus0 of the             
microchannel RS/6000 and that printers can NOT be daisy chained                 
from one S/370 card on PSF for AIX.                                             
Q: Is that correct?                                                            
Below the references:                                                           
  PSF/AIX can support PSF Direct sessions from a host PSF (MVS, VM, VSE,        
  OS/400) to a S/370 Channel Emulator/A adapter (feature code #2759 on          
  RS/6000s). You must have one S/370 Channel Emulator/A adapter for each        
  printer; you cannot daisy-chain multiple printers off a single card in        
  AIX (although you can in PSF/2, which also supports PSF Direct).              
  You can put up to four S/370 adapters in a single RS/6000 if there are        
  enough slots, but I don't believe I would try any more than three, and        
  for the sake of conservatism, with 3900s I might not try more than two        
  per RS/6000.  Unfortunately, we don't have empirical performance data         
  when running multiple S/370 adapters in a single RS/6000 so I'm really        
  basing this recommendation more on intuition and experience than data.       
RSPVW3                      Record 00289,998,788                                
188                                                      Lines 33  to 48        
Abstract . . . . . . . : Supports AIX 4.3 S/370 Channel emul. with PSF/A        
Yes, there are microchannel RS/6000s still sold.  The best information          
is in the RS/6000 Facts and Figures brochure, G320-9878.  It's available        
from the MKTTOOLS disk in TERS3820 format or from the RS/6000 web site, in PDF format.        
The current (4/98) RS/6000s that offer microchannel slots include the           
7012-397, 7013-595, 7013-J50, 7015-R50, and SP systems (9076).  Be              
aware that the S/370 Channel Emulator/A adapter is only supported in            
microchannel bus0 in the event that you order a system with two MC              
Let me first say that IBM has not tested the S/370 Channel Emulator and         
its device driver (supplied with PSF/AIX or InfoPrint Manager) with             
Xerox channel-attached IPDS printers, so we do not claim support and can        
not ensure this configuration will work.                                        
To answer your specific questions:                                              
It is true that you cannot daisy-chain multiple channel IPDS printers           
off a single S/370 Channel Emulator/A adapter.                                  
It is *not* true that you can only put one S/370 Channel Emulator/A             
adapter in Bus0.  It is true that the adapter is only supported in              
Bus0 of a microchannel RS/6000, but that Bus can have multiple slots.          
You can put multiple adapters into the different slots within Bus0.             
For example, the Salesmanual entry for the 7013-595 reads:                      
  The Model 595 differs from predecessors by offering high-performance,         
  dual, Micro Channel* buses. Each bus is used to generate four Micro           
  Channel slots and supports the high-speed, data streaming protocol.           
So it has bus0 and bus1, each with four microchannel slots.  The S/370          
Channel Emulator/A adapter would be supported by PSF/AIX or InfoPrint           
Manager only in the slots in bus0.                                              
I hope that clears up the confusion.                                            
S e a r c h - k e y w o r d s:                                                  
psf/aix psf/6000 psf aix infoprint manager ipmgr pod channel 2759              
emulator adapter s/370 bus0 daisy chain daisychain multiple ipds xerox          

WWQA: ITEM: RTA000151119 ITEM: RTA000151119
Dated: 05/1999 Category: XPSF6000
This HTML file was generated 2000/11/30~13:34:09
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