Infoprint Manager or PSF/AIX: Submit a job in held status?

ITEM: RTA000148227

Origin item: 05141,998,706                                                      
Topic thread:                                                                   
Printer Systems (PRINT)                                                         
  PRINT XPSF6000                                                                
My customer is using PSF for AIX version 2 under AIX 4.2 system.                
When he uses the "enq" command to put a file on the printing queue he's         
able to "hold" the job using " enq -H " command.                                
Is it possible to hold the job when putting it on the printing queue            
using "psfin" command. Is there a job script parameter allowing this            
option ?                                                                        
There is no job script parameter or flag for psfin in PSF/AIX V2 that           
lets you submit a job into held status.  I know of one customer who             
has a queue that he keeps disabled -- his users submit their jobs to            
that queue, then he moves the jobs he wants to print to enabled queues.         
Or, you could set up an AIX queue that can pass jobs to psfin (the              
instructions from the AIX Support Center are in libraried item                  
RTA000148041).  You could enq -H to that AIX queue, then release it             
from there.  (I haven't tried it myself, but logically it should work.)         
Your customer should be considering migrating from PSF/AIX to Infoprint         
Manager.  In Infoprint you can use pdpr with the -x "job-hold=true"             
attribute-value pair to submit a job in held status (or set that                
attribute in the default job object).                                          
Thanks for using WWQ&A.                                                         
S e a r c h - k e y w o r d s:                                                  
psf/6000 psf/aix psf aix psfin input manager held -H job-hold hold              
infoprint status ipmgr                                                          

WWQA: ITEM: RTA000148227 ITEM: RTA000148227
Dated: 12/1999 Category: XPSF6000
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