PSF/AIX Postscript RIP Performance

ITEM: RTA000147620

Topic thread:                                                                   
Printer Systems (PRINT)                                                         
I have a user who wishes to use PSF/AIX as a conversion engine to take          
Postscript documents and convert to AFP files.  These then would be             
uploaded to the host.  Each Postscript document would be about 4 to 6           
pages and there will be up to 1000 conversions done a day.  They are            
contemplating doing the conversion on a J40 (4-way,256 Mb) that already         
has FileNet running on it.  They've asked me for some guidance in terms         
of the system requirements for their volume of conversions.  They are           
also wondering how long each conversion will take.  Can you help?               
Unfortunately, PostScript is one of those datastreams for which it's            
nearly impossible to predict performance in advance.  Boulder has not           
been able to find any objective external characteristics that serve as          
accurate predictors.  The recommendation from the Boulder performance           
analyst is to do a benchmark if at all possible.  Having said that,             
there's not yet a group in Boulder who has the responsibility for doing         
customer benchmarks (though that may change at some point in the                
future -- stay tuned).                                                          
Absent a benchmark, sometimes the PRTSAMP people can help by running            
a representative job on the PSF/AIX system they have here and telling           
you how it performs on that specific configuration; then the best you           
can do is try to extrapolate to your desired configuration based on            
published benchmarks (such as the Relative OLTP).  Or the Boulder               
performance analyst may be willing to look at a representative page             
and try to estimate what he thinks performance might be.                        
This is all very fuzzy, I know, but the difficulty of PostScript jobs           
vary widely, and there's just no single predictor we can guesstimate            
from.  It is a fact that the PostScript transform will take as much             
of the CPU as it can while the transform is underway; thus any decision         
to run it on a system with other applications should be very carefully          
If you want the performance analyst to take a look at some                      
representative pages, let me know.                                              
S e a r c h - k e y w o r d s:                                                 
psf/6000 psf/aix psf aix postscript performance sizing ps2afp upload            
transform infoprint                                                             

WWQA: ITEM: RTA000147620 ITEM: RTA000147620
Dated: 07/1999 Category: XPSF6000
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