PSF/AIX and Direct: Does it support a 2391 impact printer?

ITEM: RTA000145185

Topic thread:                                                                   
Printer Systems (PRINT)                                                         
  PRINT XPSF6000                                                                
A customer asks if he could connect an old 2391 printer to a PSF/AIX            
in order to print on it from a VM application.                                  
So we'll have the following configuration:                                      
 PSF/VM ------(PSF Direct link)----- PSF/AIX ----2391 printer                   
The questions are :                                                             
1) Is the 2391 a "supported" PSF/AIX printer ? The 2391 is NOT in              
   the list (PSF/AIX administration) but it is a supported                      
   AIX printer. And PSF/AIX is able to support most of the AIX                  
   printers isn't it ?                                                          
2) If YES at the previous question, could we print barcode                      
   on it ? The PPFA/VM generates barcode and the customer want to               
   print it on each printer connected to PSF.                                   
3) What happens if we replace PSF/AIX by PSF/2: do we have the same             
   functionality/restrictions .... ?                                            
Unfortunately the 2391 is NOT supported under PSF for AIX OR PSF/2.            
PSF for AIX doesn't support any ASCII Impact printers.  The ONLY impact         
printers supported would be selected IPDS Impact printers via PSF               
Thanks for using WWQ&A.                                                         
(Reviewed 17 Sep 1998)                                                          
S e a r c h - k e y w o r d s:                                                  
psf/6000 psf/aix aix psf 2391 ascii impact psf/2 barcode direct vm              

WWQA: ITEM: RTA000145185 ITEM: RTA000145185
Dated: 07/1999 Category: XPSF6000
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