PSF/AIX and data formatting

ITEM: RTA000144960

ABSTRACT:     PSF/AIX and data formatting                                       
SEARCH ARG:   psfaix network printer                                            
TOPIC THREAD: PRINT                                                             
How are pagedefs and formdefs referenced in an AIX environment?                 
My former Xerox customer who is replacing a Xerox network printer with          
our 4324. The customer's prgmr now wants to know how PSF handles chang-         
ing fonts, line spacing and how forms are called with his Cobol pgm.            
He understands that his Cobol pgm no longer needs the embedded printer          
codes for printing. Also, if there are no pagedefs defined is PSF/AIX           
PPFA required? I guess, I'm looking for the complete solution for print-        
ing in a AIX environment with a network printer...                             
PSF/AIX uses pagedefs and formdefs just as the host PSFs do.  You can           
build a pagedef to format data produced by a COBOL program.                     
In AIX, you have a number of ways to specify the pagedef and formdef.           
You can specify them through the smit psf panel, you can use the psfin          
command with a job script, or most customers simply add them to the AIX         
print commands, like enq or qprt.  For details, I would recommend the           
PSF/AIX Print Submission guide (S544-3878).                                     
As an example, if I want to print "myfile" with pagedef P1PDEF and              
F1FDEF to a printer named psf3160,  I could issue the following                 
 enq -Ppsf3160 -odatatype=line -oformdef=F1FDEF -opagedef=P1PDEF myfile         
Depending on what font they want to use, there are probably a couple of         
additional flags required, but you can get the idea from this example.          
Fonts can be specified either on the -ochars parameter or within the            
pagedef.  Overlays can either be specified on the -ooverlay parameter           
or can be referenced from within a formdef.                                     
There are many pagedefs and formdefs supplied with PSF/AIX, and one             
of those may meet their needs. PPFA is optional and would only be needed        
if they need to compile their own pagedefs or formdefs.  If they obtain         
pagedefs or formdefs from another source (such as transferring existing         
ones from a mainframe or by purchasing them through a services contract)        
they do not need PPFA.                                                         
Thanks for using WWQ&A.                                                         
S e a r c h - k e y w o r d s:                                                  
psf/aix psf/6000 psf aix acif pagedef formdef definition page form              
overlay font PPFA                                                               

WWQA: ITEM: RTA000144960 ITEM: RTA000144960
Dated: 08/1999 Category: XPSF6000
This HTML file was generated 2000/11/30~13:34:08
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