PSF/AIX: Is upload and print available like it is for PSF/2?

ITEM: RTA000134571

ABSTRACT:     Is direct upload and print support available in PSF/AIX           
              like PSF/2 to JES?                                                
SEARCH ARG:   as400 postscript                                                  
TOPIC THREAD: PRINT                                                             
Does PSF/AIX support automatic upload and print like PSF/2? If not              
could upload and print in PSF/AIX be done with manual intervention?             
Yes, AFP Upload for AIX has been available for both SNA and TCP/IP              
environments to MVS for several years.  It is an optional feature               
of PSF/MVS 2.2, with an enabling PTF on PSF/AIX.  See announcement              
letter 296-207.  Relevant publications are S544-5422 for the SNA               
environment and S544-5423 for the TCP/IP environment.  Also search              
the libraried ASKQ items and FLASHes for additional information.                
Please reopen if you have additional questions after reviewing the              
referenced items.  Thanks for using WWQ&A.                                      
S e a r c h - k e y w o r d s:                                                  
psf/6000 psf/aix aix psf mvs upload afp jes print reblock                       

WWQA: ITEM: RTA000134571 ITEM: RTA000134571
Dated: 01/1999 Category: XPSF6000
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