PSF/AIX: error 0423-107, 0420-052 rc=9 when printing to an AIX printer

ITEM: RTA000107534

Topic thread:                                                                   
Printer Systems (PRINT)                                                         
  PRINT XPSF6000                                                                
Customer is printing ASCII File (/etc/qconfig) with PSF/AIX on                  
4019/4029 printer, TCP/IP attached in the network.                              
He gets following error messages:                                               
0420-593: ERROR:This print job can not continue because of an                   
          internal error in PSF.                                                
0423-107: ERROR: The PPDS/PCL output command was not successful.               
0420-052: ERROR: The device support process ended unexpectedly.                 
          Return code=9.                                                        
          The 4019/4029 output command failed () (PrtClose). 46                 
0420-049: ERROR: PSF cannot communicate with the printer.                       
Q: What are the meanings of Return code=9 and of 46 after (PrtClose)            
in message nbr 0420-052. He is not able to find these two Codes                 
in any paper or online documentation, and neither am I.                         
Other files, also large files print very well on the same printer.              
Customer did all debugging activities, stop and restart everything,             
check space in filesystems, as described in the manual.                         
You will need to open a problem through the Support Center.  They and           
the developers are the only ones with access to the detailed return code        
information since they provide the post-sales technical support.                
First, however, I would recommend checking the command that is specified        
in the smit panel for PSF Device Options under Show / Change                    
Characteristics of a Printer (the fastpath would be                             
"smit psf_prt_sel_device_options") to verify that the value in "COMMAND         
to execute for printer output" is correct.  It should look something            
  qprt -P4029 -dp -Z¢ -o -fv                                                    
where "4029" is the name of your *AIX* print queue for the 4029 and            
where "¢" after "Z" is an exclamation point.                                    
If the qprt command is correct and still doesn't work, this can indicate        
something is wrong at the AIX system level.  All of the following have          
been found to cause this error message:                                         
   - one or more blank lines in /etc/qconfig.  You should never manually        
     edit this file as it can cause all sorts of problems.                      
   - /usr/bin/qprt or /usr/bin/bsh have incorrect permissions or                
     ownership.  Both executables should have permissions of -r-xr-xr-x,        
     and have a userid and group ID of bin.                                     
   - /usr/bin is not in the PATH variable in /etc/environment                   
   - /etc/environment contains an incorrect statement, like "set -o vi".        
     See the comments at the beginning of /etc/environment for the              
     proper format for entries.                                                 
I hope this helps.                                                              
S e a r c h - k e y w o r d s:                                                  
0423-107 psf psf/aix psf/6000 aix error 0420-052 pcl ppds qprt                  

WWQA: ITEM: RTA000107534 ITEM: RTA000107534
Dated: 12/1999 Category: XPSF6000
This HTML file was generated 2000/11/30~13:34:07
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