How to setup PSF/AIX to print Latin2 characters

ITEM: RTA000107006

Origin item: 00009,998,668                                                      
Topic thread:                                                                   
Printer Systems                                                                 
  PRINT XPSF6000                                                                
On customer site I installed the PSF/6000 2.1 with the latest                   
PTFs and AIX V4. I created print queues, one as a system queue,                 
and one as a PSF queue. Using the system queue I am able to                     
print Latin 2 characters with no problem, but I am not able                     
to setup the PSF queue to print these characters as well.                       
Can you provide me step-by-step guide, how to setup PSF queue                  
to print Latin2 characters?                                                     
Thank you for your support.                                                     
I don't have a generic step-by-step guide I can provide you because             
it really depends on your customer's environment.  I need more specific         
information from you in order to be able to assist:                             
1) What kind of printer?                                                        
2) What is the input data stream?  Are you using any of the PSF for             
AIX transforms, like acif/line2afp or pcl2afp or ps2afp?                        
3) When you try printing a job that calls for Latin2 characters, are           
you getting errors?  If so, what are the errors (please include the             
message number and the text of the message), and where do the errors            
appear (are they printed out at the end of the job or appear in the             
jobmessage.log or are they reported by a transform)?                            
4) Did you install the Latin2 fonts from the PSF product tape on to             
the hard disk of the system (change to the root directory and use the           
command "lslpp -h psf.fnt.lat2345\*" to check)?  Or are you trying to           
use the fonts from the AFP Font Collection CD-ROM?                              
5) What level of AIX?                                                           
6) What is the value of the LANG variable ("echo $LANG")?  This could           
be important if you're trying to use acif/line2afp to format data with          
a pagedef.                                                                     
7) Which language and what specific fonts are you trying to use?                
8) If you're trying to print to a PCL or PPDS printer, did you install          
the 300-pel versions of the Latin2 fonts from the PSF product tape?             
Please give as much detail as you can, and I'll do my best to help.             
1) I am using the following printers:                                           
   - on IBM 3116 and 3130 I am able to print english characters                 
   - on IBM 3160 I am not able to print at all (the output from                 
     the error log follows)                                                     
2) I am printing files like /etc/hosts or /etc/motd using standard             
   AIX commands like qprt or enq                                                
3) On 3116 and 3130 I do not get any error when I try to print Latin2           
   ASCII file.                                                                  
   On 3160 I got the following errors in the /var/psf/printer_name/             
   error.log file:                                                              
07/27/97 13:28:01 0420-235: PSF Error Log created for printer qaix.             
2.1 ainmain compilation date: Jul 9 1997 22:55:15                               
07/24/97 13:28:01 0420-237 Starting the Error Log for printer qaix.             
07/24/97 13:28:01 0420-885 PSF is establishing communications with              
                           qaix, aub3ddii.c 475                                 
07/24/97 13:28:04 0420-252: The sense bytes received from the printer          
                            are: X'01000D000002B0020000000000000000000          
07/24/97 13:28:11 0423-279 PSF mapped the code page name T1000850 to            
                           the CPGID, GCSGID combination: 850,980. The          
                           CODEPAGE.GRD mapping file specified that this        
                           mapping mapping be performed.                        
                           Job Name=/etc/motd Job ID=00010                      
                           Node ID=prgsap2 User ID=root                         
07/24/97 13:28:11 0423-256 PSF could not map the font character set             
                           name C0PCLR12 to a resident font character           
                           set ID. Job Name=/etc/motd JobID=00010               
                           Node ID=prgsap2 User ID=root                         
07/24/97 13:28:12 0423-292 PSF cannot use a resident outline FCS nor a          
                           library outline FCS, because no width or             
                           vertical size was provided, either on a Map          
                           Coded Font (MCF) Structured field or in the         
                           CHARSET.GRD mapping table.                           
07/27/97 13:28:12 0423-275 PSF cannot use the printer-resident code page        
                           identified by Code Page Global ID 850 and            
                           Graphic Character Set Global ID 980 together         
                           with the FOCA2 raster font character set             
                           file C0PCLR12                                        
07/27/97 13:28:12 0423-281 A code page with the name T1000850 was speci         
                           fied by name on a Map Coded Font or Coded Fo         
                           nt Index structured field, but could not be          
                           located in the resource library.                     
                  0423-290 A Map Coded Font (MCF) structured field could        
                           not be processed because PSF could not select        
                           an appropriate code page                             
                  0423-302 The font reference in the MCF1 structured fie        
                           ld, repeating group number 1, with sequence         
                           number 4, at file offset 44, could not be            
                           processed successfully. Additional error             
                           and diagnostic messages follow.                      
                  0420-729 The error occurred in file /etc/motd. The            
                           structured field in error was structured fie         
                           ld EAG with code X'D3A9C9' and sequence              
                           number 8 located at file offset 151                  
4) I installed AIX 4.1.5 on 3116 and 3130 and I was able to install             
   psf.fnt.lat2345. I installed AIX 4.2.1 for use with 3160 and I               
   was not able to install psf.fnt.lat2345 (I always got error opening          
   file). I copied all files from cdrom AFPFONTS/LAT2345 into /usr/lpp/         
   afpfonts directory, for 3160 I also copied files from AFPFONTS/COMPA         
   TS directory                                                                 
5) See above                                                                    
6) For 3130 and 3116 I tried both en_US and cs_CZ, for 3160 I tried             
   only en_US                                                                   
7) I want to use czech langugage (i.e. LANG=cs_CZ) and ISO8859-2                
   fonts to print. I am not sure about 3130 and 3160, but 3116 is               
   printing only PC Latin2 fonts (i.e. code page 852, not ISO Latin2).          
The error messages you provide aren't generated because of a problem            
with Latin2 fonts.  Rather, the font for which you are receiving the            
problem (C0PCLR12) is the font used for the header, separator, and              
trailer pages.  Based on the error messages you provide, I can conclude         
that the 3160 is a model 002 (InfoPrint 60) which supports outline             
fonts only.  The 3116 and 3130, on the other hand, support raster               
fonts, so the problem doesn't appear on those printers.                         
The problem that you're seeing on the 3160-002 with the font for the            
header page can be fixed through the installation of current PSF/AIX            
maintenance and the procedure I describe below.  (Or you can turn off           
the header and trailer pages for the 3160, but that's not acceptable to         
every customer¢)                                                                
An additional font mapping table for just the case you describe is              
provided in APAR IX67132 for psf.base. It is called                             
"charset.grd.outline".  It contains new mappings for three character            
sets (including C0PCLR12) that were not correctly mapped before.                
In order for these new mappings to take effect, this file must be              
renamed "charset.grd" and have minimum permissions of 444, owner of             
root, and group of printq. It can be placed into either the                     
/usr/lpp/psf/grd subdirectory or the /var/psf/                     
If charset.grd is installed in the subdirectory /var/psf/,         
only that printer is affected by the charset.grd file.                          
If the file is installed in the /usr/lpp/psf/grd subdirectory, *all*            
printers will use this file. Header page problems will occur on the             
printers that do not support outline fonts in this scenario. Therefore          
IBM recommends placing this file in the subdirectory                            
/var/psf/, in your case, /var/psf/qaix.                            
You will need to recycle PSF/AIX for the affected queues (psfctl -dtu          
) so that the printer profile is re-read and processed.            
In your 4th response, you mention that you got error messages when              
trying to install the psf.fnt.lat2345 file under AIX 4.2.1.  I have             
not heard of that problem before, but will look into it further.                
You can certainly copy fonts from the CD-ROM, but they will need to             
have upper case names in order to work; the easiest way to address this         
is to use the /usr/lpp/psf/bin/link_to_upper shell script provided.             
Instructions for its use are in the shell script file itself.  It               
creates a link to the font names in upper case, thus avoiding the need          
to manually rename them.                                                        
| The latest version of the AFP Font Collection CD has the fonts                
| available in installp format as well as the format described in              
| the previous paragraph.  9/98                                                 
S e a r c h - k e y w o r d s:                                                  
C0PCLR12 0423-279 0423-256 0423-292 0423-275 3160-002 InfoPrint 60              
IP60 header trailer outline fonts 600 Latin 3160 font psf/aix psf/6000          
psf aix                                                                         

WWQA: ITEM: RTA000107006 ITEM: RTA000107006
Dated: 12/1999 Category: XPSF6000
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