Questions on PSF/AIX and its queues?

ITEM: RTA000106293

ABSTRACT:     Questions on PSF/AIX and its queues?                              
SEARCH ARG:   psf/6000 thread                                                   
TOPIC THREAD: PRINT                                                             
I have two questions related to PSF for AIX.                                    
Q1) If I send a large print job to PSF/AIX can it be split up                   
    (i.e., threaded) to multiple printers?                                      
Q2) If I send a print job to an AIX queue and the printer is busy,              
    can I have it automatically go to another available queue? If not,          
    how could I move the print job (from an end user type of tool)?             
R1) PSF for AIX V2.1 does not provide a way to do this.  There are              
    possibly ways to effect this manually (i.e., creating an AFPDS              
    data stream through one of the transforms, then using the afpsplit          
    command to divide the AFP into multiple smaller files which can             
    then be printed individually) or through customized programming,            
    but not automatically with GA-level PSF for AIX.                            
    If a transform is involved (e.g., ps2afp, pcl2afp, line2afp, etc.)          
    or if the input data is AFPDS, then it is possible for the job to           
    print while transforming through segmenting, but only to a single           
R2) Please take a look at two libraried WWQ&A items: RTA000090225 and           
    RTA000087395.  I think they will answer your second question. If            
    not, please reopen.                                                        
Thanks for using WWQ&A.                                                         
S e a r c h - k e y w o r d s:                                                  
PSF/AIX PSF AIX balancing leveling split afpsplit move busy psf/6000            
segment segmenting balance level thread                                         

WWQA: ITEM: RTA000106293 ITEM: RTA000106293
Dated: 02/1999 Category: XPSF6000
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