Infoprint Manager or PSF/AIX exit equivalent to PSF/MVS APSUX04?

ITEM: RTA000105971

ABSTRACT:     PSF/AIX exit equivalent to PSF/MVS APSUX04?                       
SEARCH ARG:   psf aix exits                                                     
TOPIC THREAD: PRINT                                                             
My customer uses MVS/PSF exit APSUX04 to scan a line data print stream          
to eliminate Xerox DJDE records.  Is there an equivalent exit or                
process that can be used on PSF/AIX to eliminate these records?  The            
MVS exit is of course written in Assembler.  Is there any way to port           
this code to PSF/AIX or must we rewrite in another language?                    
PSF for AIX does not have direct equivalents to the PSF/MVS exits. One          
possibility would be to write (or contract with the IBM Printing Systems       
Co. Applications Services group to write) one using the Input Record            
Exit point in ACIF (aka line2afp).  From the AFP Conversion and Indexing        
Facility: User's Guide (S544-5825-00), page 66:                                 
  ACIF provides an exit that enables you to add, delete, or modify              
  records in the input file.  You can also use the exit to insert               
  indexing information.  The program invoked at this exit is defined            
  in the ACIF 'inpexit' parameter.                                              
  The exit is called after each record is read from the input file.             
  The exit can request that the record be discarded, processed, or              
  processed and control returned to the exit for the next input                 
The publication also includes a sample C language header that describes        
the control block that is passed to the exit program.  (See figure 19,          
page 66.)                                                                       
This exit point may sound familiar -- it is the one used by apka2e              
for the ASCII-to-EBCDIC transform with ACIF.  Its sample code (as               
well as that of asciinp and asciinpe) is in the /usr/lpp/psf/acif               
There is also an ACIF Output Record Exit, described on page 71 of the           
same manual.                                                                    
  "Using the output record exit, you can modify or ignore the                   
   records ACIF writes into the output document file.  The program              
   invoked at this exit is defined by the ACIF 'outexit' parameter.             
  "The exit receives control before a record (structured field) is              
   written to the output document file.  The exit can request that              
   the record be ignored or processed.  The largest record that the             
   exit can process is 32752 bytes, not including the record descriptor         
   word.  The exit is not called when ACIF is processing resources."            
See Figure 21 for a sample C language header that describes the                 
control block passed to the exit program.                                       
You can also write pagedefs with conditional processing to deal with the        
DJDEs in the data.                                                              
I hope this helps.                                                              
S e a r c h - k e y w o r d s:                                                 
psf/aix psf aix exit inpexit input apka2e asciinpe asciinp index acif           
outexit psf/6000  djde xerox infoprint apsux04 psf/mvs modify                   
ipmgr ipm                                                                       

WWQA: ITEM: RTA000105971 ITEM: RTA000105971
Dated: 12/1999 Category: XPSF6000
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