PSF for AIX:Problem with S/370 Channel Card

ITEM: RTA000102679

ABSTRACT:     Problem with S/370 Channel Card and PSF for AIX                   
SEARCH ARG:   psf/aix            driver                                         
TOPIC THREAD: PRINT                                                             
Regarding the answer to the question RTA000102062, I am having                  
a similar problem. From the answer it would appear that the device              
driver for the 370 channel card is not provided in the base for PSF/AIX         
V2.1.0, but instead is included in a PTF for PSF. Is my understanding           
correct or am I reading too much into your answer? Thanks.                      
When AIX Version 4 first came out, many products' device drivers,               
including the PSF/AIX driver for the S/370 Channel Emulator/A adapter          
had to be rewritten to work with the new AIX kernel.Thus, the PSF               
driver for that card under AIX V4 was delayed and shipped later in a            
PTF.  There was always a driver for the card available with PSF/AIX             
for use with AIX V3.2.5.                                                        
In short, if you are trying to use PSF/AIX and the S/370 Channel                
Emulator/A adapter on an AIX V4 system, you must order and apply the            
latest PSF/AIX PTFs, re-IML your system, and then load the device               
driver onto the card through the PSF smit panels.  Detailed instructions        
should be included with the documentation shipped with the PTF.                 
I hope that helps.  If not, please reopen with details of the problems          
you're experiencing.                                                            
S e a r c h - k e y w o r d s:                                                 
emulator infoprint ipmgr ipm                                                    

WWQA: ITEM: RTA000102679 ITEM: RTA000102679
Dated: 12/1999 Category: XPSF6000
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