PSF for AIX: Use of resident Simplified Chinese fonts

ITEM: RTA000100316

ABSTRACT:     PSF for AIX: Use of resident Simplified Chinese fonts             
              on a 3130                                                         
SEARCH ARG:   psfaix                                                            
TOPIC THREAD: PRINT                                                             
I have a customer who wants to print Simplified Chinese font on the             
3130-03S using the resident fonts (FC 4802).                                    
After I finished the PSF/AIX installation, I've not been able to                
find the appropriate values for the environment variables LANG and              
PSFDBLANG for Simplified Chinese usage.  Can you help?                          
By the way, do you also have any other advice for using the resident           
Hello, in response to your questions:                                           
The PSFDBLANG environment variable is used by the db2afp transform;             
however, the db2afp transform does not support Simplified Chinese.              
That's why there is no Simplified Chinese PSFDBLANG value. In order to          
print Simplified Chinese with PSF for AIX, you will need to use acif            
rather than db2afp. Please refer to HONE FLASH 9449 (document G107034)          
for information on "Double-Byte and "Multi-Byte Character Support for           
PSF/6000 R2". Although that document is a bit out of date and does not          
refer specifically to Simplified Chinese, it should provide you with           
some helpful information on using acif and the AIX iconv command.               
One complication is that acif on AIX does not yet support the use of            
outline fonts, so you will not be able to use a pagedef that calls for          
an outline font. There should be a PTF available shortly that will              
enable acif to support outline fonts. In the meantime, you can specify          
the Simplified Chinese resident raster 240-pel fonts.                           
For the setting of the LANG variable, it depends upon what codepage             
the customer wants to use. If they set LANG to zh_CN, any data they             
create or display will be in the EUC code page. If they set LANG to             
ZH_CN, they'll use the Unicode code page. I don't have a                       
recommendation on which is better, but EUC may be more widespread.              
For printing, however, it shouldn't matter what LANG is set to. The             
setting of the LANG variable does not affect PSF's core function of             
printing data (although the setting of the LANG variable will affect            
values specified for the iconv program mentioned in FLASH 9449). The            
developer of this portion of PSF for AIX has successfully printed both          
variations of Chinese, as well as Korean and Japanese under the En_US           
USE OF RESIDENT FONTS                                                           
PSF/AIX added support of resident DBCS fonts earlier this year through          
two PTFs: APAR IX57196 for the code and APAR IX57517 for the updated           
man pages for the new "cfu" command (described below).  In order to use         
resident DBCS fonts with PSF for AIX, the customer must use the "cfu"           
program ("Coded Font Utility") to mark font sections as "use resident".         
The developer recommends that you mark all your fonts for resident              
activation.  There is no penalty in doing so since PSF for AIX will             
only download a font if it is unable to activate the printer resident           
I have included the text of the cfu man page below.  This is all the            
information I currently have, but if you have additional questions,             
I would be glad to contact the developer of this section of PSF for             
AIX for information or clarification.                                           
cfu Command                                                                     
  cfu, the Coded Font Utility, displays and builds coded fonts for              
  use with PSF for AIX.  (The emulator may distort some of the                  
  characters in the syntax diagram below; if so, try "man cfu".)                
  cfu .-d | -b.  ..                           
  The main purpose of the cfu command is to allow users of double-byte         
  raster fonts to indicate which font sections in the coded font                
  should be downloaded to the printer and which font sections can be            
  found resident in the printer.  This is useful when you have added            
  user-defined characters to a font section or when the printer-resident        
  version of a font differs from the system-resident version of a font          
  such that you want to ensure that PSF downloads the system version.           
  You can also add and delete sections from the coded font and                  
  change which character sets and code pages are referenced in the              
  coded font.                                                                   
  The cfu command can also be used to build single-byte coded fonts             
  by specifying a font character set name and a code page name.                 
  You can use the cfu command in two ways:                                      
  -  Provide a coded font name as input and the cfu command will               
     generate a build file in its own format that can later be used             
     as input to another cfu command that builds a coded font.                  
     This is the display mode of the cfu command.                               
  -  Provide a build file name as input and the cfu command will                
     generate a coded font  This is the build mode of the cfu command.          
  -d  Display mode displays the contents of a coded font. Output is             
      written to stdout using the format defined below.                         
      This is the default mode if no flag is entered.                           
  -b  Build mode builds a new coded font using the             
      or stdin if the  is omitted. The format of the           
      display output is identical to the build file format, defined            
      Build File Format:                                                        
      Each non-commented line in the build file defines one repeating           
      group within the Coded Font Index structured field. Repeating             
      group definitions may not span more than one line and fields              
      within each line must be delimited with blanks.  A '#' at the             
      beginning of a line indicates a comment.                                  
      A repeating group definition has the following format:                    
        Field 1 is the section identifier of the repeating group. The           
        format is X'hh', where hh is the hexadecimal section identifier         
        Both the 'X' character and ''' characters are required.                 
        Field 2 is the character set name. Only the first 8 characters          
        are used.                                                               
        Field 3 is the code page name. Only the first 8 characters are          
        Field 4 is the section resident indicator.                              
        1 means use the printer-resident section if possible.                   
        0 means download that section.                                          
        Note: This field is only meaningful for double-byte raster font         
        # SectId  CharSet   CodePage  Resident                                  
        # ------  -------   --------  ------                                   
          X'41'   C0Z24F41  T1Z24F41    0                                       
      Note: When in build mode, the  on the command            
      line will also be the internal coded font name on the Begin               
      Coded Font structured field.                                              
      The name of the coded font for display mode or the new coded font         
      name in build mode. cfu will not overwrite existing coded fonts           
      in build mode.                                                            
      The input file used to build a new coded font in the format               
      defined above. If  is omitted, cfu reads from            
  1. To display the contents of the coded font X0Z24F, enter:                   
     cfu X0Z24F   or   cfu -d X0Z24F                                            
  2. To build a new coded font with the name X0Z24F using build file            
     X0Z24F.bld, enter:                                                         
     cfu -b X0Z24F X0Z24F.bld                                                   
Implementation Specifics                                                        
  This command is part of PSF for AIX and is installed with the                
  psf.base option.                                                              
Related Information                                                             
  See Font Object Content Architecture Reference for more information           
  on coded font structured fields.                                              
The resident fonts are referenced at the printer by GCSGID and FGID.            
PSF for AIX uses inline GRID tables to map character sets and codepages         
to the comparable GCSGID, CPGID and FGID values that the printer uses.         
A comparison of the 3130 Introduction and Planning Guide (G544-3974)            
shows that there are four Simplified Chinese 240-pel raster fonts               
available on the 3130, and that they are mapped in the inline GRID              
tables in /usr/lpp/psf/grd as follows.                                          
For mapping character sets to FGID AND GCSGID:                                  
  FCS NAME   FGID GCSGID  WIDTH  VSIZE  ATTR                                    
  C0G16P41  53815    937     96     96     - # PRC 16x16 Gothic Section         
  C0S26P41  54327    937     144    144    - # PRC 24x24 Song Section           
  C0S32P41  54327    937     192    192    - # PRC 28x28 Song Section           
  C0S40P41  54327    937     240    240    - # PRC 36x36 Song Section           
To map the codepage to the CPGID at the printer:                                
   CODEPAGE  CPGID  GCSGID                                                      
   T1G16P41    837       - # PRC/C Font Section 41                              
   T1S26P41    837       - # PRC/C Font Section 41                              
   T1S32P41    837       - # PRC/C Font Section 41                              
   T1S40P41    837       - # PRC 36X36 Song Section 41                          
Once the PTF for ACIF for AIX that permits use of outline fonts                 
becomes available, you will then be able to use the 3130 in either              
240-pel or 300-pel mode with the list of outline fonts listed in                
Appendix A of the 3130 Introduction and Planning Guide.  Use of the             
GRID files is described in the PSF/AIX Print Administration manual             
(S544-3817-03) beginning on page 366.                                           
Please make sure to order and install the latest maintenance for PSF            
for AIX Version 2. Support for DBCS resident fonts in base PSF for              
AIX was added in APAR IX55767; the current cumulative PTF number is             
U446180. The open APAR against ACIF for support of outline fonts as             
described above is PN89594.                                                     
I should also mention the AFP Font Collection: Chinese, Japanese, and           
Korean (CJK) Support, announcement letter 296-060, product number               
5648-113. You can use this to create additional raster fonts if the             
existing resident rasters are not sufficient, or if at some point               
you wish to generate other outline fonts.  Note that you will need the         
International Fonts and Program feature to get the IBM CJK outline              
| The current version of the AFP Font Collection as of December 11,             
| 1998 is 5648-B45, announced September 8, 1998.  US announcement               
| letter number is 298-314.                                                     
I hope this helps.                                                              
October 14, 1996                                                                
| Additional information added November 12, 1998.                               
S e a r c h - k e y w o r d s:                                                  
psf/6000 psf/aix psf aix dbcs simplified chinese fonts d2afp                    

WWQA: ITEM: RTA000100316 ITEM: RTA000100316
Dated: 11/1999 Category: XPSF6000
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