3160 not printing PostScript output

ITEM: RTA000159459

Topic thread:                                                                   
Printer Systems (PRINT - NA/ATS)                                                
 Printing Systems Manager (PSM)                                                 
We're attempting to route PostScript output to a 3160 defined to PSM,           
but so far have been unsuccessful; no trace of the data prints. Any             
idea what might be missing?    The data originates from a legacy host           
system as a flat file w/carriage control, is then routed thru Netspool         
and Printway; Printway converts data to PostScript (by virtue of                
LANDSCAPE LPR option to rotate output), and is then sent to PSM-defined         
3160.  Legacy host and Printway msgs indicate successful delivery, but          
seems to "disappear" thereafter.   This type of output routinely prints         
successfully on Infoprint 20, Optra LX and Lexmark inkjet printers; this        
is first experience sending Postscript docs to 3160's.....any help, tips        
will be appreciated˘                                                            
Frank Nunes                                                                     
IBM Global Services, AAS/CSE System Development                                 
Are you printing to the 3160 as IPDS or are you sending the PS through          
to the 60 as PS?  If PS, I'm assuming you have the correct microcode            
installed that enables PS on the 3160?  (not trying to insult your              
intelligence) :)   ...and you have PS enabled on the printer?                   
If you are using the IPDS option on the printer, then the data will             
be running through the ps2afp transform.  There is an error log in              
/var/psf/ps2afp that you can look at to see if transform is failing.           
Another option (if IPDS) is to get a copy of the postscript file onto           
the risc and run the ps2afp command by itself on that file and see if           
it fails.  Sometimes you get better error reporting doing it this               
way.  Also make sure that /var/psf filesystem isn't running out of              
space when running the transform.                                               
If you are just passing through the postscript data, the try creating           
a print queue in AIX (outside of PSM) and see if you can print                  
successfully this way.  It is easier to trouble shoot in AIX than it            
is in AIX.  If you can't print the job in AIX, the you will never be            
able to print it in PSM.                                                        
Let me know what you find out, or please clarify how you are printing           
and we will pursue the problem further.                                         
Thank you.                                                                      
S e a r c h - k e y w o r d s:                                                  
psm aix 3160 postscript ipds print                                              

WWQA: ITEM: RTA000159459 ITEM: RTA000159459
Dated: 10/1999 Category: PSMAIX
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