How to move print file to spooler PSM when submitted?

ITEM: RTA000159013

Topic thread:                                                                   
Printer Systems (PRINT - NA/ATS)                                                
 Printing Systems Manager (PSM)                                                 
My customer has a requirement to submit AFP print requests on                   
one PSM server for printing on a printer on another PSM server.                 
The jobs can be quite large (1 to 2 gigabytes).  At submit time,                
a temporary file is created AND KEPT on the submitting system.                  
If they use the -l parameter on their PDPR command, it creates a                
link to the original file rather than copying to a temporary file               
but still the file still doesn't go to the printing pdserver until              
print time. Before that, only a pointer is passed                               
to the other system.  This is a problem for my customer since                   
at print time these large files can take 15 to 30 minutes to be                
copied across the LAN to the other server.  Also when he drops the              
file on the physical printer to print, that printer becomes tied up             
and everything stops...waiting for the file to come across.                     
If my customer proceeds with his plan to locate one of the servers              
in Florida, it won't be LAN-attachment anymore, but WAN-attachment              
and even today's 15 to 30 minutes will seem like a dream.                       
We have reviewed Viewblue item RTA000153366 which does a great job              
of explaining what is happening.  After reading this, however, I                
have to ask:                                                                    
1.  Is there ANY way around this...any way to get the originating               
pdserver to send the file over to the printing pdserver at submit               
time rather than print time?                                                   
2.  RTA000153366 makes reference to the "thin AIX client" in                    
Infoprint Manager 3.1 but I fear that even though the full psmd is              
no longer needed on the client Infoprint server and we've gone to a             
one-process approach, that the general flow is the same.  Can you               
confirm this?                                                                   
Thanks for your help.                                                           
I am forwarding your questions to development for their comments, but           
I would like to address the comment about the thin client.  That is one         
option that may work for you.  On the thin client you have an                   
environment variable of PDSERVER.  The server that this variable points         
to is your "command processor".  This means that when the pdpr command          
is issued, it will create the temp file on that server.  So if you set         
the PDSERVER variable to be the server in which the Actual Destination          
(i.e. physical printer in psm terms) is defined on, the temp file will          
exist on that server and will be present at print time.                         
As I mentioned, I would like to get comments from development to see            
if there is any other way to address your problem.                              
Thank you.                                                                      
Deferring question till 9/16/99 pending response from development.              
Thank you.                                                                      
I must first correct myself.  The environment variable is PDHOST and            
not PDSERVER.  I did verify with development that this was the best            
solution....To install the thin client and use the PDHOST and PD_SOCKET         
variables to establish the correct command processor.  This will                
transfer the file to the printing server at submit time instead of              
print time.                                                                     
Thank you for using ViewBlue.                                                   
S e a r c h - k e y w o r d s:                                                  
file transfer pdpr thin client infoprint manager ipm aix temp file              

WWQA: ITEM: RTA000159013 ITEM: RTA000159013
Dated: 09/1999 Category: PSMAIX
This HTML file was generated 2000/11/30~13:34:11
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