PSM/AIX: Print trailer page on jobs coming from remote system
ITEM: RTA000147389
Topic thread:
Printer Systems (PRINT)
Printing Systems Manager (PSM)
A customer wants to print header and trailer pages on jobs that come
from MVS through Network Print Facility (NPF). It is printing the
header page only, do you know how to set PSM to print the trailer
page too?
If you need more information, please let me know.
Thank you in advance.
By default, the header page is turned on and the trailer page turned
off in both PSF/AIX and in PSM (which uses PSF for the DSS). In PSM,
to enable the trailer page, you can modify the attributes or properties
for the physical printer.
Select the physical printer you want and open the properties (either
by double clicking on the physical printer object or by dragging it
to the notebook in the Actions panel. Click on the Summary button
and move the mouse down to select Auxiliary Sheets. You can change
the value for End sheet to either Full or Brief, depending on the
style of trailer you want. Brief is like PSF/AIX's ainuxtlr, and Full
is like PSF/AIX's ainuxtlr2. You should also ensure that the value
you want (Full or Brief) is also listed in the End Sheets Supported
window (it is by default).
I doublechecked what you suggested because I had already done that and
I chose full for both header and trailer but it didn't work, I mean it
printed the header page but the trailer wasn't printed.
Do you have an idea of what might be causing the problem?
Thank you in advance
I believe I know what the problem is. NPF uses LPR to send its files
(unlike MVS Download), and LPR sends a flag that is interpreted by LPD
as -Ban, which means "always headers, never trailers", and nothing can
be set in AIX's LPD can override that. We have worked in the past with
a PSF/AIX customer (not PSM) to create a custom backend program to get
around this very problem. However, I've not investigated how to
to implement this in a PSM environment.
We need to do some investigation since it's been several months, but
best as we can recall at the moment, we think you will need to create
an AIX queue on the RS/6000 that uses the custom backend to set the
appropriate banner flags and then requeues it to the PSM queue.
Leaving open pending testing.
I have tested this work-around and it works fine. I am going to refer
you to an internal web page that has the specifics on setting it up,
as well as a link to download the executable.
The site is:
If you have any problems getting to the site or downloading it, please
let me know and I'll send it to you via lotus notes.
In short, you will be setting up a print queue on AIX as a "User Defined
Backend". As the backend pathname you will specify this executable
called "burstbak". There are parameters that you add on this backend
to specify the header and trailer pages you want as well as the PSM
logical printer you want the job to go to.
For example, you want both header and trailer pages, and you want the
job to print on logical printer 3130-lp. The backend pathname will
look like:
/usr/lib/lpd/pio/etc/burstbak aa 3130-lp
Notice the "aa" in this line. These are the values for the -B flag
that is sent by the LPR command. It is "always header, always trailer".
If you only want headers it would be "an" (always header, never trailer)
The job will come into AIX first and get handled by this print queue
and then sent to the PSM logical printer.
The webpage will explain this in full detail. Please let me know if
you need further assistance.
Thank you for using WWQ&A.
S e a r c h - k e y w o r d s:
burstbak aix logical printer header trailer -Ban lpd auxiliary sheets
ainuxtrl ainuxhdr psf/6000 psf/aix psf aix psm remote mvs separator
host destination infoprint ipmgr
WWQA: ITEM: RTA000147389 ITEM: RTA000147389
Dated: 12/1999 Category: PSMAIX
This HTML file was generated 2000/11/30~13:34:08
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