HPUX Nways Install/operation problems

ITEM: RTA000160082

*Glenn Trapp @ t/l 896-4190                                                     
AIX SUPPORT FAMILY                                                              
OS/LVL: 4.3.2                                                                   
Model:  7015                                                                    
Description: probs installing Nways Mgr v2.0                                    
-Cust req support Dan Hays(technician) specifically...                          
Customer contact at DaimlerChrysler is Rick Zimmerman (810) 274-5903.           
Rick is requesting assistance with Nways Mgr V2 installation.                   
Customer, Glen Trapp, asked that the PMR be created to have official           
tracking of Dan Hays' assistance in the installation. Dan will be               
assisting Rick Zimmerman specificaly.                                           
 -HAYS, DO         -FORMAT 0973-L10R/-------P3S3-99/01/01-01:01--FI             
 Support Line:  _40__  mins.                                                    
Customer having problem getting some daemons running...ahmdbserver,             
ahmclp, cmld.                                                                   
The osserver was running but a query using ossvrping failed with                
libos.sl: can't find path for shared library libos.sl                           
We inspecred the /etc/profile, .profile files and found that the               
settings were not in effect. Cusotmer is running CDE but has the                
.dtprofile changed to allow .profile to execute.                                
Had customer update /etc/profile SHLIB_PATH=/usr/local/ODI/OS5.1/lib            
and PATH=/usr/local/ODI/OS5.1 as well as setting up a .env file sourced         
from .profile file.                                                             
Customer will make changes, reboot and call back with status update.            
 -HAYS, DO         -FORMAT 0973-L10R/-------P3S3-99/01/01-01:01--FI             
 Support Line:  _75__  mins.                                                    
CHecking with development and test for environment setup advise and             
any known PATCH dependencies. Called customer and went over patches             
installed. Cusotmer list installed matched my machine which works fine.         
Researching further...call customer back with recomendation.                    
 -HAYS, DO         -FORMAT 0973-L10R/-------P3S3-99/01/01-01:01--FI             
 Support Line:  _100_  mins.                                                    
Checked with development on environment concerns relating to the                
library message when trying to query the OStore server(ossvrping).              
The test with development showed that the proper setting of                    
SHLIB_PATH=/usr/local/ODI/OS5.1/lib allowed the ossvrping to work               
properly while failing when not set.                                            
Worked with customer to get the SHLIB_PATH set properly and now the             
problem with OStore is resolved. The OStore server is running and               
indicates proper operation.                                                     
Instructed customer to stop NNM EUIs, ovstop then clear NNM database,           
then "ovstart ovwdb, ovw -fields, ovstart nvot_server" followed by              
/usr/CML/bin/ahmclearatm which cleared the ATM topo DB.                         
All the daemons start now but the ATM Campus icon remains BLUE.                 
Per development request, I had customer capture the ovobjprint object           
for a known ATM device in the network. CUstomer forwarded the file              
and I forwarded to development along with ahmtopod.trc, cmld.trc                
Development would like to get login access to the machine.                      
I called customer and left message to call back with info on capability         
to login to his machine. Waiting for customer callback.                         
 -HAYS, DO         -FORMAT 0973-L10R/-------P3S3-99/01/01-01:01--FI             
 Support Line:  _120_  mins.                                                    
Gained dial-in access to customer machine. Checked out Nways operation          
and found a corrupt "cmld.conf" file. I emailed a new cmld.conf file           
and customer installed it on the machine. I removed the previous cmld           
debug as registered with ovspmd and also removed the trace files as             
they had already been received by support.                                      
I started cmld subsystem and all daemons seem to be running OK.                 
I called and left message with customer to check the map for Nways              
operation and call back with status update.                                     
 -HAYS, DO         -FORMAT 0973-L10R/-------P3S3-99/01/01-01:01--FI             
 Support Line:  _30__  mins.                                                    
Check with customer on status of cmld.conf fix to his platfoem last             
week. Customer indicates that most everything seems to be working OK            
now with the exception of AppLoader message when trying to use                 
FaultBuster on an 8265. The message indicates that communications with          
AppLoader cannot be established.                                                
I had customer check for the process but no AppLoader was running.              
There is some concern that the install was corrupted in perhaps                 
unknown ways given the corupt state of cmld.conf.                               
I indicated that I would dialin again to check his ystem again from             
this perspective.                                                               
 -HAYS, DO         -FORMAT 0973-L10R/-------P3S3-99/01/01-01:01--FI             
 Support Line:  _20__  mins.                                                    
Setup to dialin to customer machine. Tried but password has apparently          
changed. I called and left message for customer to call back to continue       
I sent email to customer just to check on status. Waiting for customer          
 -HAYS, DO         -FORMAT 0973-L10R/-------P3S3-99/01/01-01:01--FI             
 Support Line:  _180_  mins.                                                    
Customer still has error message "unable to communicate with AppLoader"        
when running FaultBuster or VLAN application. No AppLoader process is           
I checked with development and the basis seems to be JAVA_HOME and/or           
CLASSPATH. Checking further.                                                    
I called customer and left message regarding AppLoader and JAVA_HOME            
and/or CLASSPATH. Indicated that I would update status asap.                    
I called customer and left message regarding AppLoader and JAVA_HOME            
and/or CLASSPATH. Indicated that I would update status asap.                    
 -HAYS, DO         -FORMAT 0973-L10R/-------P3S3-99/01/01-01:01--FI             
 Support Line:  _120_  mins.                                                    
Checked environment on test NNM4 and NNM5 platforms with Nways(both CDE)        
and compared with customer environment.                                         
Updated customer /etc/profile ....added "export" to "JAVA_HOME=/opt/java        
Will email customer to verify results.(Customer not in for next few days        
 so will wait for callback).                                                    
Called and left message to call back to discuss status.                         
Also indicated that the environment may need to be reviewed and possibly        
changed to a known machine setup to overcome ATM problem.                       
Waiting for customer callback.                                                  
 -HAYS, DO         -FORMAT 0973-L10R/-------P3S3-99/01/01-01:01--FI             
 Support Line:  _20__  mins.                                                    
Called to check on status. Customer says that the Nways system seems to         
be operating OK now but not really sure about the ATM maps, etc.               
Customer will have the ATM network engineer take a look since he knows          
the ATM network configuration. Customer will then call back with status         
update or for further assistance.                                               
Customer also has a "production" server that has Nways v1.2 that he             
anticipates upgrading to v2 in the next few days. I gave the                    
recommendation of either removing completely the old code before                
installing V2 or, at least, to perform database backups of NNM and              
consistency check the DB(ovtopofix) before installing over the v1.2             
Customer will call back as necessary.                                           
 -HAYS, DO         -FORMAT 0973-L10R/-------P3S3-99/01/01-01:01--FI             
 Support Line:  _75__  mins.                                                    
Customer installed Nways V2 on production HPUX system. The install went         
OK but customer is getting license message(bogus "1969" date).                  
I had customer check the license server running...not running.                  
I stepped customer through the i4config setup for the server.                   
The indication was that the server started. Using i4blt -ls, the message        
is "no active license server".                                                  
Indicated that I would have to research and call him back.                      
Check out message and call customer back with recommendation.                   
I called and left message to call back on license server problem.               
I tried to dial in but access has changed which I indicated in my               
Waiting for customer callback.                                                  
 -HAYS, DO         -FORMAT 0973-L10R/-------P3S3-99/01/01-01:01--FI             
 Support Line:  _20__  mins.                                                    
Customer called back to indicate that the platform was regressed back           
to Nways v1.2(Jan99 code) due to inability to get JMAs to come up on           
the Nways V2 install. Customer would like to move up to Nways V2 but            
only has a 6-hour window(early Sunday mornings) to get platform                 
stabilized and operational following an install.                                
I indicated that the license server not running was basically a problem         
with the Nways V2 installation he experienced and steps needed to be            
taken to get the license server running.                                        
I indicated that I would check the necessary steps to get the platform          
moved up to V2 including possible steps needed to get the ifor_ls               
license server running for enrolling the Nways licenses and then call           
him back for possible upgrade this coming weekend or the next weekend.          
 -HAYS, DO         -FORMAT 0973-L10R/-------P3S3-99/01/01-01:01--FI             
 Support Line:  _15__  mins.                                                   
Call received from IBM team checking on problem(Glenn).                         
I indicated that as I was working through the multiple problems with the        
install on the production platform, the customer stopped the dialin             
access and subsequently backed out the Nways V2 product. I also                 
indicated that today was the 1st time I was aware of any time period            
constraints for the install.                                                    
I indicated that I would continue under the plan that the customer and I        
had worked out given the new info on the machine maintenance period and         
also try to get the dialin access working again.                                
 -HAYS, DO         -FORMAT 0973-L10R/-------P3S3-99/01/01-01:01--FI             
 Support Line:  _30__  mins.                                                    
Sent email to customer covering some pre-install steps to check includin        
g ifor_ls operation. Waiting to get response form customer.                     
 -HAYS, DO         -FORMAT 0973-L10R/-------P3S3-99/01/01-01:01--FI             
 Support Line:  _60__  mins.                                                    
Customer called to indicate that he had received my notes as a check            
before the Nways V2 install. Per note, customer did not find "i4blt"            
command on his HPUX machine.                                                   
(On last install, the license server could not be found...not sure              
of the problem since customer removed Nways product).                           
I indicated to customer that I would research the ifor_ls package               
recommended, its relation to the NNM license server, etc.                       
In the meantime, customer is installing Nways V2 on another non-producti        
on server to see the results. The last machine installed was an upgrade         
from Nways v1.2.1.                                                              
Research and call customer back.                                                
Customer called and left message that he had tried to install Nways V2          
on a new HPUX system and it did not complete successfully.                     
Call customer.                                                                  
I called customer yesterday(Thu) follwing his message to call but had           
to leave a message to callback at my number. I called again this                
morning(10/22/99) but have not yet received a callback.                         
 -HAYS, DO         -FORMAT 0973-L10R/-------P3S3-99/01/01-01:01--FI             
 Support Line:  _15__  mins.                                                    
Customer called regarding install of Nways V2 on 3rd HPUX machine              
(a test machine different from "THE TEST" machine.) This 3rd machine            
is now just for Nways install test.                                             
Customer would like to work on it Monday sometime...customer will call.         
Customer will get modem setup for dialin access to this server and              
customer will also get network access to a 2216 just to test the JMA.           
Customer will remove the present Nways install on "box 3" and remove            
the remaining /usr/CML and /usr/lpp directories.                                
Customer will then call prior to starting install process of Nways V2           
to allow a dialin and check of environment, etc.                                
Waiting for customer call.                                                      
 -HAYS, DO         -FORMAT 0973-L10R/-------P3S3-99/01/01-01:01--FI            
 Support Line:  _30__  mins.                                                    
I called customer to check on status of plan. Customer is getting all           
HPUX and NNM patches installed before starting with Nways install.              
Customer will call when ready to being install. Customer gave dial-in           
info for dialing into machine directly....test dialin.                          
Customer will call this afternoon or tomorrow to proceed with install           
of Nways.                                                                       
Researching HPUX Nways V2 install docs.                                         
 -HAYS, DO         -FORMAT 0973-L10R/-------P3S3-99/01/01-01:01--FI             
 Support Line:  _30__  mins.                                                   
Customer called indicating that he had started the Nways V2 install on          
the 3rd machine(test) and was now at the license prompt. I indicated            
that he should choose "trial" and to the license key entry panel just           
enter "CTRL-C" to complete the process.                                         
Customer followed the recommendation and the install completed.                 
Customer started NNM session and started a JMA for a 2216. This 2216            
did not complete but another 2216 JMA ran properly including view of            
device and operational navtree. The 1st device was probably not configur        
ed to allow the NNM platform to manage it. Customer will verify.                
At my request, customer will continue to establish modem connection             
so that I can peruse configuration with dial-in access.                         
Customer will test the connection and call me back when operational.            
Customer plans to install Nways V2 on production server this Sunday             
morning. The install will NOT include ATM, just device mgmt and ReMon.          
 -HAYS, DO         -FORMAT 0973-L10R/-------P3S3-99/01/01-01:01--FI             
 Support Line:  _30__  mins.                                                    
Talkeing with customer about outstanding issues. Customer mentioned that        
the traps from ELS coming as a result of an SDLC interface going down           
are presented in Event Desk but the status is not changed on the map.           
After researching some, it appears that NNM is not going to present a           
trap for an Unnumbered interface. THe only strategy that seems to work          
but is not viewed as a good soultion by the customer is invoking a              
process as a result of the ELS trap("SDLC Link Fault") that performs           
either a demand poll or a directed poll of the interface MIB and                
then causes a "Link Down" trap which will cause a status change on the          
Needs further discussion.                                                       
Also, customer reports that on the test machine(lmssdc28) which he              
re-built by removing Nways, NNM, etc., seemed to be presenting formatted        
ELS traps now even thought the "ELS" package of traps have not yet been         
installed again.                                                                
I asked who might have placed the "ELS" configuration tool on the               
machine.(?) Also, customer wanted to know if Nways V2 installed the             
ELS trap customization. I indicated that I would check and reply.               
Also, customer wants to know of other recommendation to mising status           
change from the SDLC Link Down event.                                           
Customer expects to install Nways V2 on the Production machine this             
weekend but plans to remove the present Nways 1.2 install prior to              
starting. I recommended to customer that the NNM DB be "cleaned" and            
checked before installing.                                                      
Planning to login and review machine status(production).                        
 -HAYS, DO         -FORMAT 0973-L10R/-------P3S3-99/01/01-01:01--FI             
 Support Line:  _160_  mins.                                                    
Gathering system information from cusotmer servers to evaluate for             
any changes possibly needed before installing Nways V2(and removing             
Nways v1.2) from production server.                                             
Attended customer meeting to discuss points for supporting customer.            
 -HAYS, DO         -FORMAT 0973-L10R/-------P3S3-99/01/01-01:01--FI             
 Support Line:  _90__  mins.                                                    
Checking customer system files with development. Conference call with           
customer and IBM rep for planning purposes.                                     
Special support through pager contact for the weekend production server         
install of Nways V2 established.                                                
 -HAYS, DO         -FORMAT 0973-L10R/-------P3S3-99/01/01-01:01--FI             
 Support Line:  _480_  mins.                                                    
On-call Sunday 0-6am in support of customer Nways V2 install on                 
production platform. The customer did page at the end of the install            
with a license server not-running problem.                                      
I worked with the customer to realize that the /var/lum files expected         
by the server process were not present in this directory but were               
found under the /var/lum/conf directory.                                        
I asked the customer to copy the files up to the /var/lum directory and         
then proceeded to configure the license server(i4config). The server            
started this time and then I instructed customer on how to enroll the           
Suite license.(i4blt, etc.)                                                     
The problem was then resolved and the Nways functions on the production         
server were operational.                                                        
 -HAYS, DO         -FORMAT 0973-L10R/-------P3S3-99/01/01-01:01--FI             
 Support Line:  _180_  mins.                                                    
Reported the weekend activity to development and management.                   
I received another message from the customer indicating that the ELS            
logging system was not presenting the traps as expected and needed it           
fixed asap.                                                                     
I contacted 2216 development contact(Randy W.) who was not available.           
I contacted customer again and went over the type of error seen.                
The customer reported that when the trap appears in the event desk and          
then selected for additional info by the operator, the trap info is             
from the initial device trap rather than the formatted trap from the            
ELS script handling.                                                            
I asked to generate some test traps but the customer asked that I wait          
until tomorrow when users can be alerted to the test messages.                  
Review trap configuration and call customer back to test traps.                 
 -HAYS, DO         -FORMAT 0973-L10R/-------P3S3-99/01/01-01:01--FI            
 Support Line:  _120_  mins.                                                    
Contacted router support(Randy W.) to understand ELS configuration on           
platform. It seems that the problem the customer was seeing with traps          
that were not formatted, etc., was due to the removal of trap definition        
s when Nways v1.2 was removed. To get the proper ELS customization back         
the ELS configure script needed to be run....it was and all is well now.        
The problems are now resolved with the exception that when a JMA is             
started, the license key message regarding number of nodes is                   
displayed. I directed the customer to the suppotr website for a PTF             
for this known problem.                                                         
CUstomer will download and install and call back with status.                   
 -HAYS, DO         -FORMAT 0973-L10R/-------P3S3-99/01/01-01:01--FI             
 Support Line:  _6___  mins.                                                    
Called and left message to check on PTF status for "node count" message.        
Waiting for customer callback.                                                  
 -HAYS, DO         -FORMAT 0973-L10R/-------P3S3-99/01/01-01:01--FI             
 Support Line:  _6___  mins.                                                   
Called and left message checking on status of PTF for Nways node count          
problem. Asked that customer call with status update or, if no response,        
I could assume problem was resolved.                                            
Close if no response by EOD 11/9/99.                                            
No response to status request. As per message left with customer,               
problem presumed resolved with PTF.                                             
PMR closed.                                                                     
S e a r c h - k e y w o r d s:                                                  
JMA java libpath ostore                                                         

WWQA: ITEM: RTA000160082 ITEM: RTA000160082
Dated: 11/1999 Category: NWAYSAIX
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