5697B1900 NWAYS CAMPUS MANAGER License Input

ITEM: RTA000158753

              AIX SUPPORT FAMILY                                                
TO, NEVER ASKED FOR KEY...                                                      
MACHINE TYPE: 7026 H70                                                          
customer rep:  susan brownell at 518-473-0375 (temp)                            
problem:       the user is never prompted to enter a license key                
               during the installation of the v2.0 nways manager.               
               she has verified that this is NOT a "try & buy".                 
               i'm unable to find the prob in the networking page.              
action plan:   moving this to AXLAN,12U for follow-up.                         
               please return this pmr to us after assisting the cust.           
               we'd like to know whether this is a new problem, or              
               simply a problem with the cd.                                    
IBM Feedback:                                                                   
 -HAYS, DO         -FORMAT 0973-L10R/-------P3S3-99/01/01-01:01--FI             
 Support Line:  _35__  mins.                                                    
Customer installed Nways V2 on a new machine with AIX432 and NV5.11.            
The install completed successfully but there was no step prompting for          
license key input. (the customer installed using the "device type"              
method rather than the "application" method from the Nways install              
I am not certain about why there was no prompt for license key input,           
however, the process to get the keys installed and enrolled is as               
Logged-in as root, from the command prompt:                                     
1)/var/ifor/i4blt -ll       (this will output the actual enrolled               
                             licenses, probably Trial license just now)         
(If no response like mentioned, the i4llmd license server may not be            
 running. If not running, use "/var/ifor/i4cfg -start" to start it.             
If still doesn't start, use /var/ifor/i4config" to configure server...          
respond with "Nodelocked License Server...Advanced Configuration...Log          
with valid log directory.) Afterward, i4llmd should be running and the          
"i4blt -ll" should produce the output for enrolled licenses.                   
2) Execute the command(s)(according to which license(s) to be input)            
the /usr/CML/bin directory:   41L1037.sh   (Element Mgr)                        
                              41L1038.sh   (Suite)                              
                              41L1039.sh   (ReMon)                              
 The command will produce an input window asking for the license key            
input as well as customer number as printed on the Nways license card.          
The output directory can be /etc or other.                                      
3) Following execution of the ".sh" file(s), run the command:                   
/var/ifor/i4blt -a -f /etc/ to enroll the license key.                
The  is the file output by execution of the ".sh" file.               
It could be:   4111037_2_0.ecf (Element Mgr)                                   
               4111038_2_0.ecf  (Suite-node version)                            
               4111038_2_0_N.ecf  (ATMC, LNM, Hub Mgr)                          
               4300287_1_2.ecf   (ReMon)                                        
The output message should be that the license key was successfully              
Customer successfully completed the installation/enrollment procedure           
and the license keys are now installed.                                         
The customer was looking for the HUB view application for 8265s but             
was getting the JMA. I indicated to customer that cml.8250-60 was               
likely not installed since they installed by device...verified true.            
The customer will go back to install the missing component.                    
Customer is pleased and indicated that the PMR can be closed.                   
S e a r c h - k e y w o r d s:                                                  
i4blt i4llmd enroll ifor                                                        

WWQA: ITEM: RTA000158753 ITEM: RTA000158753
Dated: 09/1999 Category: NWAYSAIX
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